Chapter 12

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Taraji -

"Elgin! What the fuck is going!" I yelled as I started swinging. I punched the shit out of him as well as Megan. I grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her ass on the ground. I started punching her in the face. "This for Mary bitch!" I yelled as she screamed.

I dragged her all the way to the edge of the stairs and then I kicked her down them. When I went back towards Elgin he looked terrified. "T, man please don't tell Mary, she gone kill my ass," he said with fear evident in his eyes.

"Well I hope you got your will together cause I am definitely telling Mary," I said as I slid my key through the door. When I walked in Mary was on the phone with her mom.

"T, what's wrong girl?" She asked. I told her to sit down as I gathered my composure. Tears were streaming down my eyes and my hands were shaking.

"What did Tyrese do?" She asked looking confused. "It wasn't Ty, it was Elgin," I said. "What about El?" She asked confused as hell. "I just, I just caught Megan sucking his dick in the hallway," I said.

"Oh, oh, okay," she said as she started taking her earrings off. "This nigga wanna fucking play me okay, I done had an abortion, I done been with this nigga washing his clothes, a let his ass in when his mama kicked him out, okay," she said as she tied up her gym shoes.

"Mary it's not worth it," I said trying to block her path. "T move!" She said trying to push past me. "No Mary I don't want you to get sent home," I said begging her. "Girl I don't give a fuck about this trip, how could he do this to me?" Mary said as she fell down with tears falling down her face.

I got down on my knees and let her lay her head on chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rocked her back and forth as she wailed all night long. I couldn't believe he would do this to her after all she's done for him. Shit like this makes me wonder if this will happen to me and Tyrese.


The next morning at breakfast it was so silent a pen drop would be loud. I didn't get any sleep last night because I listened to my best friend cry all night long. We literally fell asleep on the floor. We had to have our bags packed because tonight we would be on the ship going to Greece. I had to pack my bags along with Mary's bags. I made her take a shower, and I did her hair this morning.

My heart was broken into pieces as she sat in front of me tears streaming down her eyes barely touching her food. "Mary, you got to eat Sis," I said. "I know T, I'm just not hungry," she said wiping her nose. She forced herself to eat a piece of toast and take a sip of apple juice.

I was eating my bacon when Tyrese came and sat down at the table. He kissed my cheek and gave me a hug. "Hey baby," he said. "Hey," I half smiled. "What's wrong boo," he asked. "El and Mary," I replied. Aw man I heard about that, El down stairs crying now in the main lobby Aug trying to talk to him," Ty replied.

"He's in the main lobby?" Mary asked. "Yeah?" Tyrese replied. Mary got up and I got up to. "T, nothing's going to happen, I got this," she said.


Mary -

I felt so sick to my stomach thinking about Elgin cheating on me with Megan. After all the stuff that I had done for him. Washing his clothes, staying up late helping him studying for his test, going to every basketball game, I let him live in my apartment when his mother kicked him out and now this is how he treats me. I really hope Megan satisfied his every need because I will not be taking him back. I loved him so much. This man was my everything but I guess I was his nothing.

When I walked over to were Aug was Elgin was sitting on the floor with his head down, with tears falling from his eyes. "Baby, I'm so fucking sorry," he said trying to grab my arm. I pulled away and sat down in front of him.

"How could you do this to me?" I asked as tears started falling from my eyes. "Mary, I-"
"Don't say anything El, I think we need to take a break until I'm ready to forgive you. Right now I can't even look at you," I replied.

"I know you hate me-"

"I don't hate you El, I love you with all my heart, but right now I need my space," I replied. I took off the "E" necklace that he had given me since way back in high school. I took off the promise ring, and his jacket. I gave it all back to him and began walking away. I can't even describe the pain that I feel in my heart.

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