4. Atlanta

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I am now in Atlanta, Georgia for my first show. The only thing occupying my mind was Johana as the hair and makeup artist quickly helped me.

"You seem extremely off track today Mr. Mendes." She chuckled and I joined. I nodded but didn't say anything. "I hope it doesn't affect your show. Is it anything bad?" She pulled away and glanced at me as she put her stuff away. I looked down into my lap.

"Uh yeah I guess you could say that." I played with my hands and then looked up at her. "My girlfriend is in the hospital."

"Girlfriend? What happened? Or do you not want to talk about it?" I took a closer look at her as I debated whether or not I should tell her. She looked around my age maybe a bit older. She was a brunette her hair reaching about mid back. She had hazel-blue eyes and she smiled at me as her pearly white teeth were showing off.

"She got in a car crash." I frowned and looked away. "She's in a coma and I can't be there when she wakes up."

"Mr—" I interrupted her.

"Just call me Shawn please." I chuckled and she smiled lightly.

"Shawn, I'm very sorry to hear this." She ran her fingers through my hair and started to mess with it to fix it up. She took a comb and ran it through my hair and looked down at me. "I hope she will be okay. But you do have a show so try to stay strong okay? By the way, my name is Amanda and I will be here for hair and makeup on tour."

I smiled at her. "Nice to meet you Amanda." I was kind of glad that she would be on tour with me. She seems nice and the kind of person that you could rant to about your feelings and they would be there to listen.

"Mr. Mendes you must be on stage in minute. Wrap it up let's go." The stage manager waved around his pen as he spoke. I waved to Amanda as she wished me good luck and I was handed y guitar. Soon enough if was introduced and all the screaming fans made me smile.

I stood behind the microphone and said hello to everyone.

'Hi Shawn!'

'I love you Shawn!'


"I love you too. Thank you guys for coming out! How has everyone been?" Again, they all replied with screams. "Good, good. Okay well I'm going to start you off with an upbeat song yeah? How about Stitches?"

They all screamed and reached out to me and I couldn't help but laugh. They truly made me happy.


Shawn had left for his shows now a week ago. Johana still happened to be in the hospital. I felt so bad. Johana and I had gotten in that taxi can and probably distracted the driver. He died from impact.

I squeezed my eyes shut as another needle was put into my arm. Soon it was pulled out and I let out a sigh of relief. The nurse put a bandage on it and smiled at me. Then she walked out. I heard a knock on the door and in walked Dan.

"Long time, no see, Stranger." I smiled at him as did he. He pulled a chair up to the bed and grabbed my hand. A blush creeped up on my face and I looked at him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly. His voice sounded raspy like maybe he had been crying.

I frowned, "I'm okay. You?" He chuckled and nodded.

"I'm good." He pulled his hand away and looked down. "So, uh, how's Johana?"

"Why don't you go take a look?" I pointed at her room which was right next to me and he nodded. He stood up and walked over to the room.

I sighed. These next couple of months are going to be the longest months of my life.


Hey guys sorry for not updating for awhile. This is kind of just a filler chapter. The next couple of chapters will be a lot like this.

Thanks for the votes guys (:



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