14. Backstage

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When I woke up, I stretched a bit and noticed that Nash and I are still snuggled up together. I smiled and shook my head, untangling myself from him. He squirmed a bit but was still fast asleep.

I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and slid on my vans. Melissa came out of the bathroom and waved.

"Morning. You going to get breakfast?" She rubbed her makeup free face and looked at me with tired eyes. I nodded and she went to get her own shoes on.

We grabbed our phones and talked in a whisper going down the hallway.

"So you and Nash seemed pretty close earlier," she tapped the elevator button to go down.

We walked into the elevator, "yeah..," I giggled.

"Do you like him?"

I sighed, "I don't even know. I think I do. Just everything with Shawn. You know?" She nodded lightly. We finally made it to the lobby and we walked out, over to the little café across the street.

I quickly texted Nash that we were gone and then we walked in. The café looked really cozy. The walls were tan with some pictures hanging up. Everything sort of matched in a way and there were lights hanging from the ceiling over top of some tables and booths.

We walked up to the counter and I ordered a coffee with a blueberry muffin. Melissa just got the same and we sat down and just talked.

"What do you think will happen at the show?" I spoke as I picked at the top of my muffin.

"I don't know, to be honest. It should be fun though." She beams and I laugh while nodding.

I heard a chime coming from the front of the café, telling us someone came in. When I looked over I saw the boys and smiled at them. They waved and ordered something before they came over.

Nash took a seat next to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. I blushed and shook my head.

"What's the plan?" Melissa spoke up and Cameron and Nash looked at each other.

"That's on you guys." Cameron laughed and sat back taking a bite of his muffin.

"We could just watch from backstage?" Melissa and I agreed on that and we all began talking about the show.


We are now on our way to the venue. Cameron and Melissa stepped into the limo first then Nash and I. Nash held my hand tightly and kissed my temple.

"Have fun tonight, okay?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded.

Shawn has been racing through my mind a lot and I'm still a bit heart broken. I thought he loved me, but I guess not. I pursed my lips and looked up at Nash. He was looking out the window until he noticed me staring.

I giggled and he leaned down and kissed me softly. "You're so cute." He smiled and I blushed.

We pulled up to the venue and they opened the door for us. Cameron and Nash got out first and all the screams grew louder. Then we stepped out and scurried to their sides before we lost them.

They were signing autographs and taking pictures with their fans and I gave Nash's hand a small squeeze. I remember when this used to be me. It still is don't get me wrong, but I've learned to be more calm around them.

Nash looked at me and smiled before we began to walk into the venue and backstage.

Nash and Cameron were bombarded by workers trying to get them ready so we just found a couch and sat down. I felt my phone buzz and I looked down to see that Shawn was calling me. I shook my head and pressed the ignore button.

He doesn't get the hint does he?


Sorry for not updating in awhile!

I'm not doing a chapter for the show cause it's pointless and I have an idea for the next chapter.

Love you guys!!!
~Jamie <3

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