15. Excuse me, what?

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The boys had gone on stage and Melissa and I went to the sides to watch the boys play around. We laughed along with their stupid jokes and danced around to any song that was played.

They had called a few girls up and sang with them and sang to them. It was really cute actually. I smiled over at Nash and him and I caught each other's gazes soon enough. He smiled back at me and then went back to what he was doing. My phone buzzed again but I decided to ignore because it was just Shawn again.

The boys soon came off stage and Nash ran over to me.

"What did you think?" He laughed.

"Very cute, especially when you sang to those girls." I winked and then laughed again.

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, we gotta get y'all home." He turned but I grabbed his wrist.

He turned around and I looked around before quickly kissing him. He was shocked at first but did kiss back and I smiled through the kiss.

"I really like you, Nash." I whispered blushing softly and looked into his eyes. He smiled again before cupping my cheeks and kissing me again.

"I really like you, also." He chuckled and I giggled kissing him one more time before he pulled me outside.

We were greeted by some paparazzi and I hid my face as we walked to the limo. Nash let me get in first and we were off to the hotel. I pulled out my phone to see a missed call from my mother instead of Shawn. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I pressed call back and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" My mom's voice came through the phone and I frowned.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

"No, but I do have some news." She beamed.

"What is it?" My confusion only grew as she spoke more.

"Well your dad had gotten a new job... in Cali." I smiled lightly.

"So he gets to go to California? That's so cool."

"Yeah," she trailed off. "We're going with him." My smile began to fade. I mean, yes I am happy for my dad, but we have to go too? "I wanted to do this for you to--."

"Excuse me, what? Why is this suddenly turning around." I laughed softly. She can't just say my dad got a new job and then say I'm the reason we are moving, also.

"Why don't we talk about this later? When you're home..," she trailed off again and I shook my head.

"Whatever, Mom." After that I hung up without waiting for her goodbye. Nash grabbed my hand and looked down at me. His face sort of had a look asking if I was okay and I nodded. He kissed my forehead and I smiled softly.


Eventually we had made it back to my house after a few trips. Nash walked me up to the door and I turned around.

"I'll see you soon?" He looked down at our locked hands before lifting his head up and I nodded.

"Definitely more often." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "Text me when you get back, okay?"

"Okay. See you later, Johana." I smiled and stepped to Cam, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Bye, Cam. Thanks for coming." He nodded and I pulled away. His kissed my forehead and I walked inside my house, leaving the boys.

As soon as I stepped in I saw my mother and shook my head. Before anything could be said I ran upstairs and into my room. I was not in the mood to talk to her. So I did the first thing that came to mind.

I called Shawn.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! But I came on and saw ho many reads Canada and New Beginnings has so far and was blown away. Canada has over 5K reads and that makes me really happy (:

Thanks for the love guys!
~Jamie <3

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