8. Letters

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I was back at home and Melissa had come over to help with my Maths. We laughed as she held the door open for me.

"No cause then he was like–" My mom coughed and looked at us. I looked over at her and my smile slightly faded at her facial expression. I stood up straight so I was leaning on my crutches and looked at her in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She started to pull out some papers from behind her back.

"I think these are for you." I nodded and Melissa went up and grabbed them for me. Her and I went upstairs to my room and I told her she can just set them down on my dresser. She did so then came and sat down on my bed.

We started to talk about the math class and what we are doing and she talked me through the problem. "So you have to take that number and add it to whatever the next decimal is." She pointed at my paper and I nodded.

I finished the problem and he looked over it. "Okay you got it." She smiled. "Well, I'm going to have to leave early today. My mom was planning some special dinner thing." She pursed her lips and I smiled.

"Okay. Thanks for helping me." I gave her a hug and then she left. I continued to finish my homework and soon I was done with Maths.

I started to read a book that was given out in English. Before I could even finish the first page my mind went to the papers my mom gave me.

I hopped to my dresser and grabbed them. I opened them to see there was three letters. I sat down and began reading.

March 18, 2015

      Hey baby girl. Well you are in the hospital. You got in a bad car crash with your friend Melissa. Melissa is awake, but you happen to be in a coma. I miss you so much and I feel so bad that I couldn't be there for you when this happened. I am here now but not for long. I decided to write you letters so when you wake up you can read them. I won't be here when you wake up I don't think. I have a tour for my new album. That is a bright side to all this but I honestly don't want to go. One because you are here and I want to be there when you wake up. Two because I'm nervous.
     I'm ranting now. Johana ever since you got in a car crash I have been a wreck. I barely get any sleep knowing that you aren't in the best state an that hurts me a lot. I just need you to wake up. I want to hear you laugh and giggle at my cute comments to you. I want to see your beautiful smile because it just brightens up my day.
      I love you, Johana. You may not feel the same back but I know I can't live without you. I miss you so much... Come back to me.
                          Love, Shawn.

I reread the first letter over at least two more times. This had to be some kin of sick joke. My head started to pound as more memories started to go through my brain. I set down the papers and laid down.

I heard a knock on the door and my mom peeked her head in. "You okay, honey?" She spoke with concern and I decided to just keep the fact that I'm remembering things about Shawn and  I from her.

I nodded, "Yes, Mom. I'm okay, just a bit tired." She sighed and walked out the room. I realize I am upsetting her but I don't want to worry her and have her flip out.

So I laid down on my side and pulled the blankets over my body. Why couldn't I stay clueless?

I slowly drifted off to sleep with thoughts of a boy playing a guitar.


I haven't updated in a while. I just got my phone back though. I think I might start a schedule. I will post every Friday unless I get bored and I want to haha.

I love you guys <3
-Jamie xx

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