9. Phone calls

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AHH guys you are so awesome I love you (:


I woke up to somebody shaking me. I opened my eyes to see that it was my mom. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"I have breakfast ready for you." She smiled lightly and I nodded. She started to leave and once I heard the click of my door, I fell back down into my comfortable mess of pillows. I drew out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. I glanced around my room and noticed how I had hung up fairly lights. I smiled at how beautiful and calm it made my room look.

I took a look at my closet and then the tv. I don't know why I found everything seemed so interesting. I sighed and got up. I grabbed my crutches and began to walk. All that happened to be on my mind was, when am I getting this stupid thing off - referring to my cast.

Soon enough I was in the kitchen and I plopped down at the table and my mom handed me a plate. It was just an egg sandwich with bacon on the side. I smiled gratefully at her and dug in.

Memories of reading the letter Shawn wrote me came flooding in. Surprisingly my head didn't hurt but it just really had me thinking.

It can't be fake because I began to remember things about him and I. So I looked up to my mom and she paused what she was doing and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked, seeming worried. "Do you not li-".

"How strong were Shawn and I?" I interrupted. At the moment I didn't care that I was being rude. I wanted my answer. Everyone said that him and I dated so I might as well figure out more about it.

She sighed before she began talking. "Very strong. You even went up to Canada to see him." I smiled at the mere thought and she continued. "I remember... He called me about it. I didn't want you going off just because I knew that you growing up. He was such a good kid and still is." I nodded and looked down at my plate, blushing.

Soon enough I finished my plate and my mom spoke up once more. "Oh, you get your cast off on Thursday."

I nodded and got up and went back up to my room. I saw my phone vibrating and I quickly went to answer it.

"Shawn <3"

Woah. I hesitantly pressed the answer button and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I heard some mumbling and I spoke again. "Shawn? Hello?"

"Johana?" Instantly when they said my name I knew who it was. "Shit." Shawn then hung up.


I pulled the phone away from my ear and furrowed my eyebrows. I stared down at my phone in confusion. Why would he call and just hang up? I sighed and set the phone down.

My eyes soon caught sight of the three papers with scribbled writing on it.

I reached for them and began reading the second letter.


It is now Thursday, thank god. I got my cast off and now there's my check up with my doctor.

I sat down the hospital bed as my mom sat down in the chair next to me. I looked down at my phone and fumbled with my thumbs before unlocking it and going to my messages. I tapped on Shawn's name and scrolled trough out messages.

That's until the doctor came in. I locked my phone and smiled lightly at him as he returned it. All of his questions began and I answered truthfully.

"How's your memory?" This question stuck out most.

"I uh... I remember."

"Remember what?"

"Everything. The car crash.. Shawn."

He nodded and smiled at me. "That's great! How's your head? Does it hurt?"

"Only when I remember things."

"So you should be good because you remember everything correct?"

"Hopefully." I chuckled as did he and soon we were able to leave.

I was so relieved to be walking regularly. We got back in the car and went back home.

I went up to my room and flopped down onto my bed. I unlocked my phone and decided right away that I was going to call Shawn. So I did.

He answered on the third ring and I smiled.



"Johana?" I smiled as he said my name.

"That's me."

"How are you?" He seemed to stumble over his words a bit but I ignored it.

"I'm great I actually have news."

"How do you remember me?"

"I have my memory back." I laughed lightly. "Oh, uh, I um... Tea your letters."

"You did? Erm, sorry."

"Don't be but just so you know I hope to see you again." I smiled and he agreed.

"Hey, I got to go but I am extremely happy that you decided to call me." I could just tell that he was smiling with his words.

"It's no problem. Bye, Shawn."

"Goodbye, Johana."


I couldn't keep them apart anymore sorry 😁.

Well I said I would every Friday but I am a bit bored and wanted to do this soo yeah.

Thanks for the votes, you know who you are (: also excuse me if there are errors I'm just not really in the mood to reread it all.

I love you guys thank you!!
-Jamie 💕

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