10. Grace

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Abby and Melissa had come over to hang out with me. Both were staying the night since it's a Saturday. Abby had plugged her phone into the speakers and began to blast Shallow Love by Jack and Jack.

I missed hanging out with those boys.

We all danced around and belted out the lyrics and I couldn't help but smile at my best friends.

I pulled out my phone and decided to send a video to the two boys and it was all of us dancing around to now California.

"IM JUST A MIDWEST KID DREAMING CALIFORNIA!! ONE WAY TICKET CAUSE I HAD TO SHOW YOU! FLOW SO SICK MAKE YOU CATCH PNEUMONIA!!" We screamed to our loud music and laughed once I had ended the video. I quickly sent it to them and set my phone back down.

Soon Abby turned down the music and it played softly in the background as we talked amongst ourselves.

"How are you and Cam, Melissa?" I smiled. I truly did want to know. I do remember us talking to Cameron before the accident.

"We have been texting back and forth but I don't know if anything is going to happen. He's in the west coast while I'm here in the east coast." She pursed her lips slightly irritated at her feelings toward the brunette boy.

"There's nothing wrong with the east coast! What about Dan?" Abby nudged her with her shoulder and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"My feelings are so screwed up." Melissa spoke with a slight scowl. We chuckled and then their attention turned toward me.

"What?" I frowned, just as they began to lean in closer to me.

"What about that certain boy that play a guitar, has a lazy eye and is hopelessly in love with you?" Abby snickered and I smiled at the thought of him.

"We are going pretty good. I actually called him on Thursday and talked to him."

"How come we didn't know about this?!" Melissa squealed, causing me to laugh.

"It just never came up." I glanced around the room avoiding eye contact.

"Well what was said?!" Melissa spoke in a kind of 'duh' tone.

"Nothing really. I told him I had my memory and that I read the letters."

They rolled their eyes and I just shook my head.

I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at it noticing it was Shawn. I smiled before answering it.

"Hello?" I heard muffled voices but I could still make out what they were saying.

"C'mon Shawn! They want us together! They chose me to help you get over whoever this Johana girl is and I'm here now! Why can't you just kiss me? I thought you liked me?" I heard a female voice ringing through the phone.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What the heck?

"I know that Grace!" I heard Shawn groan. Grace? So that's her name. "I do like you." Wait...

"Then why won't you just kiss me then, huh?" There was a little bit of silence before I heard a slight smack sound.

"Happy now?" I really didn't want to the rest so I hung up and hung my head low.

Who is Grace and how does Shawn know her? I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Melissa asked slowly.

I looked up and met her green eyes.

"I don't think Shawn likes me much, anymore."


I have been avoiding Shawn's texts and calls for three days now and it's starting to bug me a bit.

So when I felt my phone vibrate again, I decided to answer it without looking at the ID.

"What do you want, Shawn?!" I groaned and flew back onto my bed.

"Well hello to you too." I heard Cameron's voice and softened a bit.

"Sorry. What's up, Cam?"

"Not important at the moment. What happened between you and Shawn?" He asked, his voice laced with pure confusion.

"Do you know who Grace is?"

"I know there's a Grace that's been hanging around Shawn a lot lately. How do you know her?"

"I think Shawn pocket called me. I heard their conversation. Shawn doesn't like, Cam, I mean he kissed her. He didn't mention me once just said that he likes her." I spoke softly suddenly feeling like I may cry.

"Something isn't right. He must be doing this for a reason. I'll talk to him, okay?"

I nodded before realizing he can't see me. "Okay. Thank you, Cam."

"It's no problem, Johana."

"What did you want to tell me though?"

"Oh, right. I'm in Maryland!!" He yelled even pronouncing the 'y' in it to show his excitement.

"Are you serious? How come?"

"Tour. What's your address? I'm coming over." I could just tell he had a smile plastered across his face as I gave him the information. "I'll be about two hours." He laughed and I joined him.

We soon hung up and I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

There's going to be a boy in my house. But not just any boy.

Cameron Dallas himself. I couldn't wait.


I feel like this book shouldn't be called Forgotten. I need to figure out something else. Haha thanks guys (;

-Jamie 💕

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