7. School

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I sighed as I woke up the next day.  Last night was a drag. Abby had went home and I just had a family dinner. But now it's a Monday and my mom recommends me going back to school.

That's okay though because I'm a senior now. I got up from my bed and hopped over to the bathroom and stripped down and got in the shower after putting a bag over my cast on my leg.

Soon I was done and wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into my room. I walked to my dresser and put on my bra and panties. I then walked to my closet and grabbed a maroon crop top and a pair of black leggings. I slid on one of my maroon and black vans and then went to dry and straighten my hair. I clipped a few strands of to the back of my head and then smiled lightly at my reflection.

Now time to face everyone. I grabbed my phone and backpack and hopped down the stairs. My mom made some eggs and toast for me and I quickly finished it up and said goodbye. I plugged my earbuds in and waited for the bus to come.

I listened to Shawn's new album that I never knew came out and listened closely to I Don't Even Know Your Name.

I've heard this song before. I can't put my finger on it though. I boarded the bus – more like hopping on it – and everyone looked at me. I sat down next to Abby and smiled at her. We talked and laughed a bit and I tried to ignore the looks and whispers about me.

Soon we were getting off the bus and I walked into the building. I took a deep breath and walked up to my locker. I put everything I didn't need in there and then gathered my stuff that I did need.

I looked at my schedule that I received from my mother this morning and saw I had Maths first. Melissa came up to me and smiled. Her bruises were getting a lot better and the cut on her head seemed to be healed.

My bruises were almost gone. They were still noticeable but weren't too bad. My cuts were also healed and I was very thankful for that.

"Hey Johana. You look great for just getting out of the hospital." We laughed and I nodded.

"Yeah." I nodded and then a boy our age walked up to us. My breath hitched. He was really cute.

"Johana this is Dan. Do you remember him?" Did him and I meet before? I shook my head and Dan looked down.

"Sorry." I pursed my lips and he nodded.

"Gives us a better chance of starting over." He smiled and stuck out his hand for me to hake and I gladly took it. Abby, Melissa, Dan and I all talked. I shifted on my crutches as they started to hurt me.

"We should get to class now though." Abby spoke and everyone nodded. They looked at my schedule and I had Maths with Melissa. I had English with both Abby and Dan. Then I had P.E which I am not participating in. After that was lunch with them all and then I was by myself for the rest of the day.

Melissa and I made our way to Maths. We walked in a a few people looked at me. I sat down in the front and Melissa sat next to me. I put my crutches next to me and got ready for the class.


It was now lunch and I made my way from the gym to the cafeteria. I paused for a moment and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly but saw Dan and calmed down.

"You okay?" He said and I nodded.

"Tired." He nodded and then he took my bag for me. "Thank you." I started to the cafeteria again and we sat down at a table. Soon enough everyone was here and we went to get our lunches.

We soon sat back down and all talked amongst each other. Dan threw in a joke here and there to make us laugh. It was good to be back.



-Jamie <3

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