PART 3-Reasons

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You were walking home from school on Tuesday afternoon and were lost in thought.

You: 'Kicking that Chimera Anima's butt on Sunday was AWESOME!' *Image of Kisshu pops into your head* 'Him. What was his problem? Stupid perv-' Wuaah!

Kisshu had just appeared in front of you, making you stop suddenly, take a step back...and fall on your butt.

Kisshu: Hey Foxy!

You: Grrr...Is this going to become a regular thing with you!? (Ratatouille! =3)

Kisshu: *smirks* Yep!

You sigh, get up, and continue walking. Kisshu floats beside you, glancing at you every now and again with his beautiful golden eyes. You stared straight ahead, trying to fake indifference, but your heart was beating a little faster and your cheeks were warm despite the breeze.

Kisshu: Where're you going?

You: Home.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him glance around quickly, but no one was around. He put a hand on your shoulder, so you stopped and turned to him. Before you could react you felt a pair of soft lips pressed gently but firmly against yours.

Kisshu: *backs off* See you soon, my little fox! *disappears*

For a moment you could only stand there, touching your lips in some kind of wonder. Then you continued walking.

~Next Day~ You sighed happily. With your homework finished and nothing important to do, you could spend the afternoon in the park. So you grabbed your book and left the house. The sun was shining brightly, warming your shoulders and back. When you got to the park, you walked over to a big tree and sat down, leaning back against it and cracking open your book. You had only been reading for a couple minutes when you felt slight tug on the book. Then it was pulled from your hands and set aside. You found yourself staring into Kisshu's golden eyes.

You: Eep!

Kisshu: Hi Foxy. *he moved so he was sitting beside you against the tree instead of crouching in front of you* Thanks for the kiss yesterday.

You blushed and touched your lips. Kisshu smiled.

You: *trying to sound agressive* What are you doing here?

Kisshu: Aw, come on Foxy, don't pretend you're not happy to see me. *he makes a pouty face and leans closer to you. Your blush deepens*

You: *still trying to sound agressive* Are you going to answer my question?

Kisshu: *smirks* That's two questions now Foxy. But I'm just here to see you.

You: Huh?

Kisshu: You heard me. *leans back again*

A little sigh escaped you and your cheeks lost a little of their warmth. The two of you sat in silence for a bit, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was kind of nice actually, considering that the two of you were supposed to be bitter enemies.

You: Kisshu?

Kisshu: Hm?

You: Why...Why are you trying to take over Earth?

Kisshu: *looks at you* My people once lived here, before it became uninhabitable. Then we moved to another planet, but it turned out to have even worse conditions. We tried to come back, but humans had taken over. So we have to get rid of the humans to save our people.

You: Oh...

You both fell silent again.

Kisshu: Why are you fighting?

You: Huh? Oh. Um...well, first of all it's my duty, but second of all I don't like seeing people get hurt. So I can't let you hurt innocent people. *You rested your chin on your knees, staring straight ahead.*

Kisshu: *smiles thoughtfully, but you don't see* Ok then. See ya Foxy! *ruffles your hair and teleports away*

You: Grr... You picked up your book, smiling slightly as you discovered that Kisshu had kept it open to your page.

~Friday Night~ You were curled up on your bed in the darkness of your room when you heard a soft knock on glass. Lifting your head, you looked blearily across the room towards your window. A dark figure was floating outside. Kisshu. Sighing, you got up and went to open the window. Kisshu slid inside and, before you could close the window, pulled you close and rested his chin on top of your head. At first you stiffened, but you couldn't deny that it felt nice. Without thinking you buried your face in his shirt and wrapped your arms around him. You felt his lips twitch in a smile. It took a while, but your senses came back to you and you pulled away from Kisshu. There was a twinge of regret in his eyes as he watched you close the window. 'What am I doing?' you asked yourself, 'I should be shoving him out the window, not closing it with him inside!' When you turned around again Kisshu was sitting on your bed. Tentatively you walked back across the room and sat in front of him, pulling your knees up to your chest.

You: *glancing away* What do you want?

Kisshu: Nothing special.

You: Can't "nothing special" wait? I'm tired.

Kisshu: It's OK. "Nothing special" is just being with you.

You: Huh!? Wha-! *Kisshu silences you by putting a hand over your mouth*

Kisshu: Shh! Your parents are home aren't they? *you nod* You don't want them to walk in here do you? What would they think if they saw you with an alien? *he takes his hand away from your mouth*

You: Oh. I guess I didn't think about that.

Kisshu: *rolls his eyes* Obviously.

You: Why do you like me?

Kisshu: *looks uneasy* Well uh... *sigh* Besides being a pretty little fox, you can be really sweet.

You: How do you know?

Kisshu: I watch you sometimes. Those other Mew Mews like you for it, and that little kitty of yours is anybody's best friend because of you. And I don't like you. I love you.

You: OK Kisshu. You win. Your eyes met and suddenly you were caught in some sort of trance.

You: 'His eyes are so liquid gold.'

The spell was broken when you yawned widely. Without a second thought you untangled your arms from around your legs and curled up into a ball on top of the covers and closed your eyes. A second later you felt a pair of lips brush across your cheekbone. Kisshu: Goodnight, my little fox. When you opened your eyes again, he was gone.

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