PART 6-Dreams and Half-Truths

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You were sitting on your bed leaning back against the wall with your eyes closed when you heard the now familiar knock, ringing on the glass. Opening your eyes, you saw Kisshu silhouetted against bright silver moonlight. Smiling, you let him in. After hugging you, he took your face in his hands and kissed you softly for just a second. You smiled as he released you, then yawned widely.

Kisshu: Aw, I'm not THAT boring!

You: *smile slightly* It's not you. I'm just *you swayed and he caught you as you fell* exhausted... *another yawn*

Kisshu picked you up bridal style, carried you over to the bed, and set you down. Then he sat next to you and started stroking your hair. You turned onto your side and curled up with a blissful sigh. Before long you'd fallen asleep under his gentle touch.

~Dream~ You were running, but you didn't know where you were or where you were going. You could hear metal clanging on metal up ahead, and it made your heart pound faster. Then Ichigo screamed.

Ichigo: Kisshu!

You burst into a room and your gaze locked on the most horrible sight you could possibly imagine: Kisshu, impaled upon the sword of a tall alien with cruel white-blue eyes and long jet-black hair.

"KISSHU!!!" you screamed, waking up. ~End of Dream (obviously)~

You opened your eyes to see Kisshu leaning over you, his hands on your shoulders to hold you down.

Kisshu: *worried* Ringo? Are you alright?

You: I'll be fine. It was just...a bad dream.

Kisshu: OK. I'll see you soon then. *kisses your forehead and disappears*

Mom: *bursts into the room* What's going on?! Who's hurting you?!

You: *lifelessly* No one Mom. It was just a dream.

Mom: Do you want to talk about it?

You: No.

Mom: Fine then. *turns away*

You: Mom?

Mom: Hm?

You: I dreamed that someone was hurting my...friend, Kisshu. Killing him.

Mom: That's awful! But what could you do?

You: If that ever happens...that other alien will pay.

Mom: OTHER alien!?!

Your hands flew to your mouth.

Mom: What's going on Ringo?

She gave you a hard look and you knew you couldn't lie.

You: My...My friend an alien.

Mom: WHAT!?!?!

You: It's true. And we're not just friends, I love him.

Mom: *gets a curious look on her face* Does he love you back?

You: *blushing* Yes.

Mom: When did you meet him?

You: Not long ago. He was fighting the Mew Mews. Don't tell Ichigo, Mint, Lettuce, Pudding, or Zakuro anything, OK?

Mom: OK. *smiles like ^-^*

~1 Month Later~ A month had passed before Kisshu finally agreed to meet your mom. You'd dreamed of him almost every night. Most of the time they were pleasant dreams, but at least once a week you woke up screaming his name. But now, as the two of you crept down the hall together, all you felt was happiness: pure, powerful, overflowing. You drew him behind you as you slipped silently down the dark hallway towards the living room. Your mom was lying on the couch, reading.

You: *peeking around the corner* Hey Mom?

Mom: Hm? *looks up*

You: Ready to meet Kisshu?

Mom: *jumps to her feet* Of course!

You led Kisshu out into the room, where he stood awkwardly by your side. Your mom looked from him to you and back again a few times before commenting.

Mom: Aww, aren't you two cute together!

You blushed hot pink and even Kisshu colored a bit. So, in short, your mom didn't mind the idea of Kisshu being your "boyfriend."

~That Night~ You were cold with sweat after waking up from that dream AGAIN. Kisshu was craddling you in his strong, pale arms, lips pressed to the top of your head. Sighing contentedly, you buried your face in his shirt. you felt so safe there. How could anyone even try to kill him!? 'I'm going to protect him,' you thought, 'I WILL protect him, or die trying.'


A/N: I honestly can't imagine my mom being as oblivious and stupid as Ringo's.  Wow.

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