PART 8-Pride and Prejudice

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A/N: How the hell did I manage to read Pride and Prejudice and screw up fanfiction so royally in the same time period?


~At School on Monday~ Sensei: OK class, today we're moving on to a new subject: prejudice.

You stared at her curiously. You already knew a little bit about prejudice, partly from reading Pride and Prejudice last year.

Sensei: Who can sum up prejudice in about one sentence?

Miwa raised her hand and the sensei called on her.

Miwa: Prejudice is basically certain types of people thinking they're better than other types based on qualities of one or more individuals and/or little or no proir knowledge.

You: *staring at Miwa* 'My brain...'

A few other people, including Ichigo, were staring at Miwa too.

Sensei: Good! Now why do you... *continues to blabber about prejudice for the rest of the day (it's after lunch).*

Before long you noticed Ichigo was asleep. You decided to join her. Luckily Miwa and Moe woke you both just before the final bell rang.

~An Hour Later, At the Park~ You were sitting back against a tree when you felt someone toussle your hair. Opening one eye in an irritated way, you saw Kisshu smiling down at you. You smiled too.

You: Hey! (as in hi not grr)

Kisshu: Hi Foxy! *sits next to you*

You: *thinks for a minute* Kisshu...what do you know about prejudice?

Kisshu: *looks at you with a guarded expression* Why?

You: We were talking about it in school.

Kisshu: I know it's because of pride. And it's what keeps you humans and us cyniclons from living together.

You: *looks at him curiously* How is that? I mean, we get along just fine right?

"Well you're special," Kisshu says, pulling you close. You lay your head on his chest and close your eyes.

You: 'I could stay like this forever and never get sick of it. Oh, wait a minute...' You didn't answer my question.

Kisshu: *sighs* Well, for one thing, most cyniclons don't want to live among humans. They blame humans for destroying the ozone layer and causing some species of animals to die out. And they think humans are dirty and lazy. They're right too.

You glared at him.

"To a point," he added hastily.

You: Whatever. *sigh* OK I think I get it. And humans...we're afraid of a lot of things that are different from us. Like you...with your big ears and floating and teleporting and whatever else i don't know about.

Kisshu: *smiles* You got it Foxy! *frowns suddenly* Well, looks like I gotta go. See ya! *disappears*

Sighing, you got up and walked to Cafe Mew Mew.

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