PART 10-New Enemies and Dream-Speaking

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~A Few Days Later~ Cafe Mew Mew had closed about ten minutes ango and you, Sakura, and the other Mew Mews were cleaning up. You were all talking and laughing when suddenly Ryou and Keiichiro came rushing out of the basement.

Keiichiro: Girls, there's a Chimera Animal attacking the train station downtown! We need you to go take care of it.

Mew Mews: Hai!


You all ran out of the cafe, not changing out of your uniforms (as if you would've had time).

You: 'Why do we run all over Tokyo in these skimpy little uniforms?'

When you got to the station you saw a huge, ugly plant Chimera Animal. All six of you stared at it, marveling at how anything could be so absolutely hideous. Finally Ichigo broke away from the horror.

Ichigo: Alright Kisshu, what are you trying to do, make us lose our lunches?

"Hardly," came a deep voice.

You all looked up to see two aliens, a tall one with purple hair dressed in mostly black and a brown-haired, copper-eyed one that looked about Pudding's age.

Ichigo: Nya?!

Pudding: Who are you?!

You gulped, feeling like you'd betrayed the Mew Mews by not telling them about the new aliens. You figured out that the purple-haired one was Pai, and the kid was Tart.

Pai: We are Kisshu's...replacements. For now, at least.

Tart: Hey Pai, which one do you think is Kisshu's little girlfriend?

The other Mew Mews all looked confused. You gulped, praying that Pai didn't know anything to give you away to your teammates.

Pai: Does it matter Tart? We're only here to destroy them.

Ichigo: Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not gonna happen! MEW MEW STRAWBERRY! METAMORPHO-SIS!






Ichigo: Mew Mew style, Mew Mew grace, Mew Mew power in your face!

Mint: Ichigo, why do you always say that? *Ichigo ignores her.*

Tart: Chimera Animal! ATTACK! (He's pretty excited. After all, it's his first battle.)

You turned your attention back to the Chimera Animal as it charged. The six of you leaped away, avoiding the vines and bulk of the monster.

Zakuro: Ribbon Zakuro Spear!

She lashed her whip-like weapon at the Chimera Animal, but the creature caught it and pulled it away. Zakuro's eyes widened and she barely managed to dodge the vine hurlting towards her.

You: Zakuro!

Lettuce: Ribbon Lettuce Rush!

The Chimera Animal soaked in her attack. Lettuce gasped but then sighed in relief as the creature swayed, waterlogged.

Pudding: Ribbon Pudding Ring Inferno! *attack covers the Chimera Animal, paralyzing it*

Mint: OK, my turn. Ribbon Mint Echo! *Attack slices through Pudding's. Chimera Animal is stunned.*

You: 'Alright.' Ribbon Apple Stars!

Your attack spun around the Chimera Animal, scorching it, scatching it, and otherwise freaking it out. Then Ichigo stepped up, a serious look on her face.

Ichigo: Ribbon Strawberry Surprise!

The Chimera Animal erupted. You glanced up at Pai and Tart to see their reaction, grinning as you saw their shocked faces.

Pai: *growling* This isn't over. *Both aliens disappear.*

You: *sigh* It never is.

~That Night, When You're asleep~ At first you weren't so sure you were asleep. You were looking at the black insides of your eyelids, but you could hear yourself...snoring? Now THAT was seriously confusing. Then your attention was drawn to a pale blue pinprick of light growing in front of you. It grew until it surrounded you entirely, making you feel as if you were lounging on a soft white cloud. Then he spoke.

Kisshu: Hi Foxy!

You: What the-?! Where are you?!

Kisshu: *sigh* You can't see me Foxy. And sadly, I can't see you either.

You: *grumble* ...WAIT! How the hell are we talking!?

Kisshu: Well first of all Foxy, you can stop shouting.

You: Oh...right.

Kisshu: *with a smile in his voice* I found a way to talk to you in your dreams. I just can't get caught.

You: So I AM dreaming.

Kisshu: Sort of. Oh, and nice job with Tart's Chimera Animal.

You: Uh...thanks. But Ichigo finished it off.

Kisshu: So? You helped.

You: True...

Kisshu: Anyway,--

You: Kisshu?

Kisshu: *hiss* Shit, Pai's coming. Bye Foxy.

"Bye," you whispered, but you could tell he was already gone. The light around you slipped away and you began once again to dream of COMPLETELY random things.

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