PART 17-Final Battle

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Time skip Summary: You ended up spending a lot of time with Kai, and eventually he became one of your best friends, though you didn't tell him that you were Mew Ringo. You also kept up the front of hating Kisshu, though on the inside you felt yourself practically being torn apart. Now that your anger had dissipated, you wanted to be with him again. Your entire team had also discovered that Aoyama Masaya was the Blue Knight, but he had gone missing this morning and Keiichiro had just picked up a HUGE Mew Aqua reading.

Your feet pounded hard against the sidewalk as you raced toward the apparent site of the Mew Aqua.
You: 'Grr! I'll never make it at this rate! Why did Kisshu and his cronies decide to attack today? It was our first day off in months!'
Kisshu seemed to know the perfect days to attack-any day that was the most inappropriate for at least one of the Mew Mews. Today was the first day off in ages, and the aliens had unleashed around 500 Chimera Animals around Tokyo.
You skidded to a stop as three Chimera Animals suddenly appeared in front of you. "Damn!" you yelled aloud. But whether you wanted to fight or not, you had to.
You: Mew Mew Apple! METAMORPHO-SIS!!!
The creature in front, which sort of resembled a bat, threw an attack at you the instant you transformed, and the attack pushed you back as you blocked it. When it subsided, you gritted your teeth and launched your own attack.
You: Ribbon...Apple Stars!
Ten minutes later you’d finished off those three and several others. Your breathing had become slightly labored and you were crouching down with your right hand on your knee. "Damn," you swore again, raising your left hand to wipe at the sluggishly bleeding cut under your cheekbone.
Mew Pendent (Keiichiro's voice): Go to this place! The aliens' real target is Aoyama Masaya!
Coordinates were sent and you glanced at them before running off to the place they indicated.
You: 'Damn, damn, damn! This had better really be the final battle, because this job doesn't seem to be getting any easier!'
When you finally reached the place, you were just behind Mint and Zakuro. You could see Lettuce and Pudding coming too.
Mint: Mew Ichigo!
Ichigo turned to see the five of you coming towards her at top speed.
"Everyone," she said quietly. Then you all turned to see a figure much like the Blue Knight stand up in the heart of the Mew Aqua. Then he opened glowing red eyes and you knew something was different. No, not different-wrong.
As the figure turned to your group of six, his blond hair exploded from its binding and changed color. When the brilliant light of the Mew Aqua disappeared, you all saw a figure with long black hair, pale skin, and icy blue eyes. He wasn't the Blue Knight, but he definitely wasn't Aoyama either.
Ichigo: A-Aoyama...kun?
The person raised a hand to his chest and spoke in a cold, deep voice.
Deep Blue: I am known as Deep Blue. And soon I will be the ruler of this planet!
Ichigo: No...That can't be right...Aoyama-kun can't be Deep Blue! I don't understand!!!
You: Ichigo...
Ichigo: Please...tell me this is just a joke. Aoyama-kun, please tell me this is all just a bad joke!
Pai: The Aoyama you knew no longer exists. There is only Deep Blue.
Ichigo: I don't know what you mean. Aoyama-kun is right there.
Just then you spotted Kisshu and Tart hiding in a couple of bushes nearby. Both had looks of shock and mild horror on their faces. So, they hadn't planned this, you concluded, turning back to your real enemy, Deep Blue.
Pai: You're wrong. Aoyama and the Blue Knight were just parts of the Deep Blue you see before you. When we left Earth 300,000,000 years ago, Deep Blue's spirit was scattered. And now, when the time came to return to this planet, there was no one medium that he could show himself as. Of the closest ones, only the Blue Knight and Aoyama have been seen before now. But thanks to the resistive force of the Mew Mews, Deep Blue was able to awaken early, and you now see him before you, in his true form!
There was silence for a moment after Pai's speech. Rage pounded in your head with all the fury of a thunderstorm. Then Zakuro spoke.
Zakuro: It's ironic. In the end, we only helped our enemy.
Mint: I always admired the relationship the two of you had...But this is just too cruel!
Suddenly Ichigo stepped forward, the bell that Aoyama had given her displayed in open palms. You took a step too, then waited to see what would happen. Ichigo walked until she stood directly in front of Deep Blue. No one said a word or moved a muscle
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun gave this bell to me. It's my most treasured possession. *looks up into Deep Blue's face and smiles almost pleadingly* Do you...remember?
Deep Blue gazed at her coldly for a moment, then lifted his hand and knocked her hands away. The bell went flying as Ichigo stepped back, shocked, and you caught your breath.
"I told you," Pai said, sounding rather smug, "Aoyama no longer exists."
He then lifted his fan and aimed an attack at the six of you. You all went flying backwards and hit the wall behind you. Ichigo fell to the ground, looking shocked and hurt.
Pudding: You'll pay for this! For hurting my sisters, I won't forgive you!
She jumped up and ran towards the cold-hearted aliens before anyone could stop her. Calmly, Deep Blue raised one pale arm and sent blue electricity from his fingertips crackling towards Pudding. It hit her hard and sent her flying backwards again.
You: Pudding!
Pudding stood up and turned to face Dee Blue once more. By this time all six of you were glaring heatedly at him, yet he and Pai stood there without even batting an eyelash. Then Deep Blue raised his hand again and shot that damned electricity at your entire team. As you back flipped to avoid it, you saw that everyone, other than Ichigo, was also dodging. "Ichigo!" you cried as it hit her full blast and she screamed.
Then you saw Zakuro, dodging forward to the left and then to the right, and finally straight to where Ichigo was about to collapse. Zakuro caught her and jumped back with her to stand with the rest of you, who were all on your feet. She set Ichigo down and the five of you surrounded her with your arms spread out in a protective way.
You: Earth's future is at stake here.
Mint: We don't have a choice.
Zakuro: Are you guys ready?
You all nodded, then ran forward, leaving a confused and horribly shaken Ichigo sitting on the ground. Mint led off the attack.
Mint: Mint Arrows! Ribbon Mint Echo!
Deep Blue blocked the attack with the same sword that the Blue Knight had used.
Mint: Mint Echo! Mint Echo! Mint Echo!
Deep Blue stopped blocking the arrows after a bit and attacked Mint herself.
You and Lettuce: Mint!
Lettuce turned to Deep Blue then, her face angrier than you'd ever seen it before.
Lettuce: Lettuce Castanets! Ribbon Lettuce Rush!
Lettuce was thrown back near Mint after just one attack. "It's my turn now," you growled to yourself, feeling as though someone had set fire to your blood.
You: Ribbon Apple Stars!
Deep Blue deflected both stars easily, so you grit your teeth and tried again.
You: Ribbo-
You were cut off as Deep Blue attacked you this time, sending you head over heels backwards. On your last roll, you gasped as you heard a sickening crunch-your arm had broken. You swore breathlessly and pulled yourself up to watch Pudding's and Zakuro's attacks.
Pudding: Pudding Ring! Ribbon Pudding Ring Inferno!
Zakuro: Ribbon Zakuro Spear!
Deep Blue allowed himself to be enveloped in Pudding's gumdrop-like attack, and you understood why when Zakuro's whip-like attack sliced through it, destroying it without harming Deep Blue.
Ichigo: Everyone...please stop. Please, stop fighting. Can't you see? That's Aoyama-kun there, and when we wake up from this dream, he'll smile for me like he always does.
You all turned to see that Ichigo had stood up and was now walking slowly towards all of you. You realized that even though her eyes could see Deep Blue, her heart couldn't. In a way, she could only see Aoyama.
You: M-Mew Ichigo... 'No, stop Ichigo, that's not Aoyama! Can't you see? He's gone, Ichigo, Aoyama's gone! So please, Ichigo, please get back!'
Ichigo: So please...stop fighting everyone.
Pudding: Mew Ichigo...
Taking advantage of your distraction, Deep Blue sent the five of you (everyone but Ichigo) flying into the wall at the back of the lot. You cried out in pain as you hit the wall and therefore caused further injury to your broken arm. When you looked up from where you were on the far left, you saw that Lettuce, Mint, Pudding, and Zakuro were all human again. When you looked down at yourself, you saw the same thing.
Ichigo: Everyone!
You looked at her as she rushed towards you, stopped, and crouched down in front of Mint. As you watched, Mint looked up too, and slapped Ichigo across the face. If the circumstances weren't so depressing, you might have even smiled at the look of shock that made its way onto your leader's face.
Mint: What's happened to you, Mew Ichigo! You're not like you usually are!
You: We...We need the Mew Ichigo we know! The one who's always ready to fight to protect the Earth!
Pudding: I can't fight without that Mew Ichigo...
Lettuce: We need your help, Mew Ichigo.
Ichigo: Everyone...
Zakuro: Go ahead...Mew Ichigo.
At this, Ichigo turned to look at Zakuro, who tossed her the bell Aoyama had given her. As she looked down at the bell you could all se the resolve hardening in Mew Ichigo's face. Then she turned to Deep Blue.
Ichigo: I won't let you do this!
Pai: Why not? We are only cleansing this planet. You humans have made it dirty!
Ichigo: And what about the humans you're going to kill in the process? What do you expect to happen to them?
Pai: I don't care.
Ichigo: Y-You don't care?! But that's selfish!
Pai: You humans are selfish!
Ichigo grit her teeth and stepped forward, but as you all watched, Deep Blue lifted the sword above his head.
Kisshu: That's bad, Ichigo! That sword will destroy this planet!
Ichigo gasped and kept staring at Deep Blue as energy continued to gather around the sword's blade.
Then Deep Blue plunged the sword into the ground.
A shock wave erupted over the city and all six Mew Mews stared in horror at its source.
You: 'No...No, this can't be happening...'
Pai: Finally, it's the time when out wish will be granted! Since our ancestors left this planet out of necessity, we've waited impatiently for this day to come.
You: How can you do this?!
Pai: *looks at you emotionlessly* Earth was once ours.
You: That's no kill us! *shielding your face from debris flying around as more energy gathers*
Pai: *coldly* It is more than enough reason.
Before you could reply, Deep Blue plunged his sword into the ground for a second time.
Pudding: Ichigo, watch out!
Mint: Ichigo!
Ichigo cried out as she plunged down into the deep rift caused by the blow, and behind Deep Blue and Pai, a tall building crashed to the ground. Your breath caught and you clenched your fists.
And still, Deep Blue raised the sword once again, as Ichigo pulled herself out of the pit and leaped back towards the rest of you. You heard Pudding saying something about her family and turned to look at her as she struggled to her feet... Then she lost her balance and fell, but Tart caught her.
Tart: Are you OK?
Pudding: Tar-Tar, thank you.
You smiled as, for once, Tart didn't throw a fit about his nickname.
Tart: I said you guys were fools before, but the foolish one was me. Darn. That Deep Blue...
Pudding: Cheer up Tar-Tar! Now that you're with me, I'm a hundred times more powerful.
Smiling, you turned away from the two of them.
Lettuce: I'm so glad you're fine, Mew Ichigo.
You: Mew too.
Ichigo: Lettuce...Ringo...Pudding...Zakuro...Mint!
Zakuro: You should fight, Mew Ichigo.
Mint: That's right. Fight like you always do, Mew Ichigo.
Zakuro: You're capable of it.
Pudding: Ichigo...
Mint: Ichigo...
Lettuce: Ichigo...
You: Mew Ichigo.
Ichigo smiled and turned around.
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun, even now I still don't know what I should do. But...I just can't watch any more of this. Everyone is being hurt. Strawberry Bell!
This time, Deep Blue pointed the sword directly at Ichigo.
Ichigo: Ribbon Strawberry Surprise!
The attacks of both Deep Blue and Ichigo clashed in between the two, creating conflicting domes of energy. Then Ichigo said something, but you couldn't hear her. As you watched, she sank down through the air and landed on her feet, where the pressure of the attacks promptly began forcing her backwards. You could hear her crying out as she sank down on one knee, the energy of her Strawberry Surprise still radiating around her.
Ichigo: This is nothing. I...believe
You could barely hear Ichigo, but her passionate words made you bite your lip to keep from crying as you watched the battle. And then, as she started to wobble, a small grey cat appeared seemingly out of nowhere. You gave it a funny look as Ryou's voice suddenly came from it.
Cat (in Ryou's voice): Mew Ichigo!
Deep Blue: *turning his sword on the cat* Don't interfere!
You clenched your working fist as Ichigo leaped forward to throw Deep Blue off balance, said alien swung his sword, and the cat jumped at them, transforming into Ryou as it did.
Ichigo slumped as Ryou landed, and he called her name as he ran to pick her up. Deep Blue also stood up and turned around, Ryou's claw marks red on his pale right cheek. You felt utterly helpless.
You: Dammit...
Ryou: Hang in there, Ichigo!
Deep Blue gave a short laugh, cold enough to make you shiver as you glared at him. He fixed his gaze on Ryou.
Deep Blue: Cunning.
And he laughed again, as Ryou tried to rouse Ichigo. After a moment she opened her eyes and looked at him. You closed your eyes in relief and let your head drop for a second. You could hear both Ryou's and Ichigo's voices, but you couldn't hear what they were saying. When you looked up again, you saw the other Mew Mews getting up and followed them, the five of you running to where Ryou was holding Ichigo.
All of you, at different times: Ichigo!
Ryou: *letting Ichigo go and they both stand up* Everything is certainly as the Earth wanted it to be.
You stared at him for a second, confused, but a second later his bright blue eyes met your hazel ones and you understood: The six of you had been specifically chosen by fate to protect Earth. Then Ryou continues.
Ryou: So the one who can save Earth is...Mew Ichigo...only you can do it.
Ichigo: Shirogane...
Ryou: Also, Lettuce.
Lettuce: Yes.
Ryou: Mint.
Mint: Yes.
Ryou: Ringo.
You: Yes.
Ryou: Pudding.
Pudding: Yeah.
Ryou: Zakuro.
Zakuro: Yes.
Ryou: Your role-
Zakuro: I know. In order for Mew Ichigo to get the Mew Aqua in the end...For the sake of our future...
Mint: I understand.
Lettuce: Leave it to us.
You: We won't let you down.
Pudding: Leave it to Pudding.
Ichigo: Everyone.
Pudding: But there is no more energy left to transform.
Ryou: *takes something from around his neck and holds it out* Use this.
Your eyes widened. What he was holding out was a small phial of Mew Aqua.
Everyone but Ichigo and Ryou: Mew Aqua?
Ryou: Just a little bit is left. This is the end.
The five of you: OK.
You held out your power pendent, as did Pudding, Zakuro, Mint, and Lettuce. They were immediately reactivated.
Mint: Mew Mew Mint! METAMORPHO-SIS!!!
Lettuce: Mew Mew Lettuce! METAMORPHO-SIS!!!
You: Mew Mew Apple! METAMORPHO-SIS!!!
Pudding: Mew Mew Pudding! METAMORPHO-SIS!!!
Zakuro: Mew Mew Zakuro! METAMORPHO-SIS!!!
As you all landed back in front of Ryou and Ichigo again, Ichigo spoke gratefully.
Ichigo: Everyone. *turns* I am a Mew Mew. *short pause* Thank you, everyone. I lost sight of what is important. Everyone reminded me of what that is.
You all smiled at her, insanely proud of your leader.
Ichigo: In gratitude, I will be fully at your service! ~Nya! Let's go everyone!
You all leaped up into the air, Ichigo saying something about Aoyama as the six of you plunged towards his transformed figure. He used his sword to fling a torrent of energy at your group, but you all held your weapons forward, creating a sort of barrier. The barrier became a bubble around you, glowing with all the different colors of your Mew energy. Then you attacked.
Mint: Ribbon Mint Echo!
Lettuce: Ribbon Lettuce Rush!
You: Ribbon Apple Stars!
Pudding: Ribbon Pudding Ring Inferno!
Zakuro: Ribbon Zakuro Spear!
Ichigo: Everyone.
Your attacks combined and flew as raw energy from Ichigo's Strawberry Bell towards Deep Blue. Then you all landed on the ground, laughing slightly in relief.
Pudding: We did it!
Suddenly Deep Blue spoke again, his voice still low and cruel, and you looked over to see him pointing his sword at you all again.
Deep Blue: That's fine. Playtime is now over.
He raised his sword again, and the ground began to shake under your feet. There was no way to deny it anymore; this person's cruelty was really starting to scare you. He smirked and you bit your lip to keep from giving in to your fear.
Suddenly, some kind of ship rose into the air above Deep Blue's head. It was sort of diamond-shaped, surrounded by curved spikes for legs and some kind of band as a shield, both of which were floating in the air around it. The monstrosity was blue and silver in color.
Deep Blue: It seems I got too fired up fighting weaklings. *turns* Pai. I leave the rest to you.
Pai: *goes down on one knee* I understand.
Suddenly Deep Blue was lifted towards the ship by what seemed to be nothing but a wide beam of blue-green light.
Ichigo: Wait!
Pai: Kuu Rai Sen! (Sky Thunder Fan)
Ichigo was thrown back by Pai's attack, and she cried out as she hit the ground. She started talking to herself again, but you were too busy focusing on Pai to pay any attention to what it was she was saying.
Pai: People such as you can't do anything to stop Deep Blue from now on.
You glared fiercely at him, but he didn't appear to notice.
Zakuro: Stop him?
Mint: What is going on?
You: My arm's broken and it hurts.
Power pendent (Keiichiro's voice): Everyone, can you hear me? The reaction has appeared. It seems like the final Mew Aqua is inside that base.
Ryou: What!?
You all gasped in shock. Whatever you had expected, it wasn't this.
You: Wha-?
Ichigo: Inside that?
Pai: What did you say?
Keiichiro: That base is most likely something that was left on Earth by the aliens in ancient times. For some reason, they sealed the final Mew Aqua inside of it.
Ryou: No way!
You: 'So...aliens really were here before us...'
Pai: I see.
Suddenly Tart flew up behind Pai, drawing your eyes to his diminutive form.
Tart: Pai, what is Deep Blue planning?
Pai looked quickly at Tart, then away again, up into the sky. "Deep Blue has told me:" he began, "That palace is the final weapon." His voice rose, and he came close to shouting at the end. You turned your fearful gaze back to the ship...palace.
Pai: *voice normal again* That system will magnify his power. The entire planet will be targeted.
Your eyes shot wide and you stared at his, speechless.
Ichigo: What did you say?
Pudding: If you do that, not only Tokyo, but the Earth will also be destroyed.
Pai: That palace has risen from inside the Mew Aqua's reaction. It has appeared as Deep Blue has said. The palace's system is the final Mew Aqua!
Ichigo: We will never let that happen!
Zakuro: Just as Ichigo said.
Mint: We still haven't been defeated.
You: And we won't be.
Lettuce: I want to protect everyone.
Pudding: The Earth isn't anyone's possession. It belongs to everyone.
Ichigo: *looking back at all of you* Everyone.
The rest of you: Mew Ichigo.
Ichigo: *turns forward again* Let's go!
You all leaped up into the air, preparing to attack. Then you noticed Pai had a glowing pink orb in his extended left hand. A spirit? "I won't allow it!" he yelled, as the light in his palm turned gold and changed shape.
It instantly became a mermaid-like Chimera Animal with large black wings and long purple hair. It plunged down towards the six of you. A cry of surprise escaped your lips as it advanced.
You all fell back to the ground. Your landing could hardly be called graceful, seeing as you landed on your knees and immediately slouched forward. As quickly as possible, you scrambled back to your feet.
Pai: We are Deep Blue's faithful servants! We will not allow you inside! Kuu Rai Sen Puu Jin! (Sky-Thunder-Whirl-Wind-Zone)
Ichigo leaped out of the way as the attack came dangerously close to striking her. Immediately after she had landed, the Chimera Animal swooped down again. You and Pudding both leaped out of the way. Turning as you landed clumsily, you saw the Chimera Animal also had one curved horn and a horse's tail. Disturbed, your eye twitched.
Lettuce: Ribbon Lettuce Rush!
You watched as Lettuce's attack hit the creature, sending it flying backwards. It crashed into the ground several feet away.
Lettuce: Now!
Mint: I know.
You: Right.
Pudding: Understood.
You ran forward and moments later you heard Lettuce following. For one second you looked back, and saw Tart's click-clacks intercept an attack from Pai which was aimed straight for Ichigo. It was surprising enough to stop you in your tracks to see what was going to happen.
Pai and Ichigo both wore shocked expressions as the latter passed the young alien in midair. She looked back to see him stop, facing Pai.
Tart: Ichigo, hurry up and go.
Pai: Tart, damn you!
Tart: I...I don't like it anymore.
You let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding. This scene was tense and dramatic; you didn't want to die in the middle of it.
Tart: I don't like fighting them anymore!
Even from this distance you could see the tears well up in Tart's eyes as he shouted the last words. Pai's expression softened slightly and he looked somewhat pained.
Pai: Foolish.
Tart began to scream as he wound up his click-clacks for another attack. Pai's expression hardened again.
Without warning, he attacked.
Tart seemed to float for a moment. You saw tears drift away from his eyes, and Pai looked sad again.
Tart: Pai.
Pai: It would be good if you have a nice dream. An eternal dream.
Your heart clenched as Tart fell like a stone.
Pudding: Tar-Tar!
There was a huge cloud of dust where the young alien landed, and his click-clacks came flying out of it. They rolled to a stop and you stared blankly at them, not really seeing them at all.
Pudding: TAAAAART!
Zakuro: Ichigo, leave the rest to us!
Your friends’ voices called you out of your stupor and you prepared to fight again. You looked up to see Ichigo in the air again, headed for the ship. A blue light seemed to be coming from her body and surrounding her. Ichigo soared up into the ship and Zakuro and Pai attacked at the same time. When the smoke cleared, for Mew Mews were staring at one sadistic alien, who gazed back calmly. Behind you, Pudding was holding Tart's body and crying fiercely.
Lettuce: Only tragedy can be born from fighting. You still don't understand?
Pai: If we had been born in a different era...
You stared at him. What was he going to say next?
Pai: No, that's a joke.
You deflated. Maybe fighting really was the only way out of this.
Pai: Even if the fight is meaningless, this is the mission I was given!
Lettuce: That's really unfortunate. But if it's your mission to continue fighting, then it is our mission to continue protecting this planet. If it's for that reason, we will keep fighting too!
You: Lettuce...
You'd never heard her this forceful before, but it certainly wasn't a bad thing.
Pai: That's fine. Just a single Earthling who has entered the palace can't do anything. Why don't we fulfill our missions together, right here?
You: *growling* Bring it on.
Pai: Until the end of the end! Go, Chimera Animal!
You all held up your weapons and slid into fighting stances as the big-eared, blue-skinned creature burst out of the ground behind Pai.
Pudding: *tears flying from her eyes* I won't forgive you! I absolutely won't forgive you!
Zakuro: You've turned us into your enemies. We'll make you regret it.
You: We didn't want to fight you, but now we have to!
Zakuro: Ribbon Zakuro Spear!
Pai sent an attack her way too, and she leaped up into the air to avoid it. He attacked again; this time she spun around the lighting and launched her own attack. He blocked it with his fan, and then a cry from Lettuce tore your attention away from them.
You whipped around in time to see Lettuce hit the ground, thrown by the Chimera Animal. Pudding immediately kicked the beast in the chin, causing it to fly backwards. Feeling ashamed that you hadn't noticed what was happening to them until now, you jumped in to help.
You: Ribbon Apple Stars!
The Chimera Animal deflected your attack and lunged at you; you dodged aside and rolled to avoid its assault. It moved on to Mint then, who stopped its horn with her weapon.
The creature swooped away, then came zooming back at the five of you, all standing together.
Mint: Scatter!
Without pausing to think about it, you leaped away. You knew without looking that the other Mew Mews had too. Unfortunately the beast wasn't so easily deterred. It turned on Ryou.
Lettuce: Shirogane!
She leaped forward and grabbed Ryou out of the way. You took advantage of your split second of spare time as the Chimera Animal crashed into a stone wall to look up at the ship Ichigo was now inside.
You: *looking worried and whispering* Be safe, Ichigo.
The dust cleared then and the Chimera Animal emerged, twice as furious. It swung its tail up and knocked your friend and boss aside, causing you to cry out.
You: Lettuce! Shirogane!
Pudding: Lettuce!
Mint: Lettuce...
Ryou and Lettuce cried out as they hit the ground a few feet from each other.
Ryou: Lettuce.
Lettuce: Shirogane, are you alright?
Mint: Pudding, Ringo, take care of Lettuce and the others.
Pudding: I'll do it.
You: No problem Mint.
The two of you ran towards Lettuce and Shirogane, not listening to whatever Mint and Zakuro said after that.
Suddenly you heard the sound of teleportation, and you looked around to see Kisshu disappear. In an instant, your nightmares came back to you. You knew exactly where he was going: to try and stop Deep Blue.
You: 'I have to stop him. I have to save him!'
Without a word, you took off for the ship.
Pudding: Ringo! Where are you going?
You didn't answer, just forced your legs to move faster. You reached the ship without any interference, seeing as how Pai and the Chimera Animal were tied up with Mint and Zakuro, and scrambled inside. You kept running along the now-familiar corridor with your broken arm held to your chest. There was only one thought in your head now:
'I have to get there in time.'
You kept expecting to hear the clang of metal on metal up ahead, as you always had in that recurring nightmare. You pounded up a flight of steps next and came face-to-face with a set of double doors. Suddenly Kisshu's voice rang out furiously.
Kisshu: DIE!
Your heart seemed to stop for a moment, then began beating faster than you had ever known it could. When you regained control of your working limbs again, you shoved the doors open with one hand.
Kisshu: I lost. *slight smirk*
There it was, the scene you had been dreading since that nightmare had first disturbed your sleep so many months ago. In seconds, you realized the boy-er, alien-you had been trying to hate was the one you couldn't live without.
Kisshu was impaled upon the sword of your enemy, the one and only Deep Blue. And then the formidable alien thrust him away.
His body rolled and slid across the floor until he came to a stop in front of Ichigo, who was on her knees. Forcing yourself to move, you ran over to them. Ichigo picked up Kisshu by his torso as you slid to a stop beside her, falling to your knees and feeling totally numb.
Ichigo: Kisshu...
The alien managed to lift his head enough so that his gorgeous golden eyes focused on you.
Kisshu: I guess I was lucky to have this time with you. Ringo.
A lump formed in your throat and you found yourself unable to speak. Tears formed in your eyes and you knew your pink-haired friend was on the verge of crying too.
Kisshu: Are you crying, Ringo?
Memories of some of your times with Kisshu flitted quickly through your mind, none of them lasting more than a second. You dragged yourself back to the present, staring tearfully at the face of the dying alien boy.
Kisshu: Ringo...
He tried to raise his body more, obviously wanting to kiss you. Without a moment's hesitation, you leaned over Ichigo and pressed your lips to his.
Ichigo: *too upset to feel shock right now* Kisshu...Ringo...
The two of you broke apart and looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Emotions of sorrow and love were clearly visible in both pairs; one golden, one yellow-orange.
He suddenly fell back, the life gone out of his body, and your tears spilled over.
You: KISSHU!!!
Ichigo then laid his body down and you simply stared, unfeeling, at his now calm face. Crystalline tears streamed down your cheeks, but you never noticed them. All you could do was stare numbly at the immobile face of your love.
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun, I've made a resolution.
You didn't look up at her as she spoke; you felt dead inside.
Ichigo: I will fight you with everything I have...because I want to see your smile one more time...because I believe in you! But I can't allow you to hurt anyone else. I just can't see your smile again! I just can't!
Dimly you were aware of Deep Blue grunting in pain. Still, you ignored it, finding it unworthy of your interest.
Ichigo: That's right, I can't...Aoyama-kun...
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Ichigo stand. Light filled the room; some of it from her Strawberry Bell, and some coming from within Deep Blue's body. After the light subsided, you found yourself unable to move, lying on your side next to Kisshu's limp body. A sound of a bell made your eyes widen, and you managed to lift your head just enough to see Ichigo on the ground at Deep Blue's feet. Then his features flickered, and your eyes widened slightly as you recognized Aoyama.
Aoyama/Deep Blue: I...chi...go...
The sword fell from Aoyama's hand as he and Ichigo stared at each other.
Aoyama: Ichigo.
Ichigo gasped slightly. You looked away, feeling an emptiness left by Kisshu burn like fire.
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun.
Aoyama: *sounding stunned* Ichigo.
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun...It is Aoyama-kun, right?
Aoyama: What have I...?
You continued to listen silently, staring at the ceiling but not really seeing it as your hand found Kisshu's.
Aoyama: What is this place...?
You smirked at the irony in the situation. He had no memory of what had happened, even though he'd as good as killed you.
Aoyama: What is this...? I did this?
There was a small sound, like something hitting the floor.
Aoyama: I did...all of this?
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun...
Footsteps came next, but you still didn't look.
Ichigo: Deep Blue is the one who did this. It wasn't you.
She was right of course. You doubted Aoyama would see it that way though.
Aoyama: Thank you. But there's no changing that I was Deep Blue. That's right. I, as Deep Blue, have done things that should never have been done.
Ichigo: Even with that, I believed...that you would return for me.
Aoyama: Ichigo.
Ichigo: I feel it. That's...
You vaguely wondered what she was talking about.
Aoyama: Is that what it was? The final Mew Aqua my body!
Your eyes widened slightly, and you saw a blue glow at the edge of your vision. Unfortunately, you didn't seem to have the strength to turn and get a better look.
Aoyama: Even Deep Blue didn't notice that. *pause* We still might be able to make it. If you use this Mew Aqua, the people and the lives that I hurt might be able to be saved.
Ichigo: What do you mean by that?
A few more footsteps and the sound of cloth brushing. Then Deep Blue was obviously back.
Deep Blue: Fool! This body is mine as well! This Mew Aqua in here is also mine! I won't allow anyone to use it!
Ichigo: Can't breathe! Aoyama-kun!
Your breath caught. Ichigo was in trouble, and, being unable to move a muscle, you were helpless to try and save her. You could hear the battle between Aoyama and Deep Blue going on just out of your range of sight.
Aoyama: Take your hands off Ichigo!
Deep Blue: You are a part of me. Don't oppose my will!
Aoyama: Stop it!
You heard Ichigo fall to the floor as the boy/alien continued to fight with himself.
Aoyama: Don't you lay a hand on Ichigo!
Deep Blue: Be quiet!
Aoyama: I will protect Ichigo!
Deep Blue: Be quiet!
You heard something hit the ground again as Aoyama/Deep Blue continued to cry out in pain. Then the cries stopped.
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun?
Deep Blue: It's too late. Aoyama's consciousness has been completely erased now.
Ichigo: No way!
Deep Blue: Aoyama no longer exists here.
There was a cry from Deep Blue, a scream fro Ichigo, and then a pink blur that turned into Ichigo when you focused on it flew past you and hit the wall. She slumped to the ground as sounds of gathering electricity became audible.
Deep Blue: From now on the filthy fools of this world will listen to the melody of destruction!
Then he laughed cruelly, and beyond the numbness you felt your anger welling up.
Ichigo: *lifting her head with difficulty* If it continues like this, the Earth...
Deep Blue: What's going on?
If you could have lifted your head, you would have looked around to see what he was talking about. The best you could do was listen closely to his voice.
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun...?
Deep Blue: Bastard. Why won't you be extinguished?
You: *smirk* S-sounds like...Aoyama won't go without a...fight.
Ichigo: Ringo...
Aoyama: I can't disappear yet. There is still something I have to do!
Deep Blue: Let go! Don't interfere!
Aoyama: Leave my body!
Deep Blue: This is painful! Stop it!
Aoyama: Ichigo, give the final blow!
Deep Blue: What? Let go of me, you!
Aoyama: Ichigo, quickly!
Ichigo: But if I do it, Aoyama-kun might also be...
You: D-do it, Ichigo!
Aoyama: I'll be fine! Ichigo, quickly now!
Tears formed in Ichigo's eyes and she shook her head. You watched helplessly.
Ichigo: I can't do it. It's just too hard for me!
Aoyama: You have to save the Earth and everyone else! Your only chance is now. The only one who can do this is you, Ichigo!
Ichigo: But...
Aoyama: Ichigo! Believe in me!
Ichigo looked up, her pink eyes widening in something close to wonder.
Aoyama: Believe. I'll be fine.
Ichigo: Aoyama-kun.
Moments later, Ichigo's Strawberry Bell was in her hand and she was posed to attack.
Ichigo: I believe. I believe in Aoyama-kun!
Aoyama: Ichigo.
Deep Blue: You, are you insane?
Blue light suddenly filled the room, and Ichigo let out a cry as she hit the wall again. Something was wrong though.
You: 'Mew Ichigo.'
Your body glowed with a soft blue light as you focused on her. Not too long afterwards, the orange light of your power flooded from your body to join the yellow, purple, blue, and green of Pudding, Zakuro, Mint, and Lettuce. You smiled and sighed peacefully as you let the last of your Mew Power flow out of you and into Ichigo. Darkness crowded around the edges of your vision as you felt the last of you consciousness slipping away.

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