PART 9-Midnight Goodbyes

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You smiled in your sleep, watching muffins dancing behind your closed eyelids. Then the familiar tapping sound broke into the dream, waking you. Exhausted, you forced your eyes open. Kisshu was, of course, floating just outside your window. Sighing, you got up and stumbled across the room to open the window. The alien stepping into the room, looking unusually serious. Which, of course, freaked you out.

You: K-Kisshu...what's wrong?

Anger burned in his eyes like glowing coals, making you nervous. His burning golden eyes met your anxious hazel ones.

"Deep Blue found out," he said.

"Found out...what?" you asked, afraid of the answer. He stared hard at you.

Kisshu: He found out that I love you. *pulls you close.*

You wrapped your arms around him and laid your head on his chest with your eyes closed. That wasn't good. Deep Blue was Kisshu's master; he could do horrible things to Kisshu.

"What's going to happen?" you asked in a whisper.

Kisshu: He...he's making me stay away from you. And I'm temporarily out of action as far as fighting you Mew Mews.

You: *hopefully* So we'll get a break?

Kisshu: *snorts* No way! He's sending Pai and Tart to replace me.

You: Who?

Kisshu: Old friends of mine. Pai is an emotionless know-it-all and Tart is an annoying little brat.

You: So we have to fight them now?

Kisshu: Yup!

You: *sarcastically* Greeeat! Who's gonna catch me when an angry Chimera Animal tries to squeeze the life outta me, then just drops me?

Kisshu: *smiles sheepishly* Sorry about that. It wasn't supposed to happen.

You: Just forget it.

Kisshu: Well...OK. But I have to go now, or Deep Blue will have it in for me.

He kissed you gently and teleported away. You smiled, but there was no way you could suppress the feeling of worry growing inside your chest.

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