PART 12-Dad's Wrath

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Your dad looked from you to Kisshu and back again as both of you stared at him, watching in amazement as his face went from green, to white, to red, through several shades of purple, and finally settled on a rage-induced blue.

You: *hissing to Kisshu* Uh-oh. Damn, this isn't good.

Kisshu: *hissing back* His oddly colored face proves that.

A thundercloud magically appears and grows behind your dad, but his voice is almost eerily calm.


You: Ummm...Kisshu.

Your dad exploded and you instantly decided you'd rather be facing a horde of angry Chimera Animals on your own.

Dad: WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! YOU CAN'T BE DATING, YOU'RE STILL JUST A CHILD! *your mom aomes running into the room and joins you and Kisshu in looking like O_O* I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU RINGO! WHEN WERE YOU THINKING OF TELLING ME ABOUT THIS?!!

You: Ummm...'Anticipating this reaction as I was, never.'

Dad: *growling* I thought so. *storms out of the room*

Mom: *sigh* I'll talk to him Ringo. *follows Dad*

Kisshu: *still staring, at nothing now* Did you expect that?

You: *watching Kisshu now* From him? Yeah.

Kisshu: *looks at you* And you didn't warn me?

You: *shrug* Didn't know he was gonna be here.

You walked to your room and Kisshu followed.

~That Night~ You had nearly slipped into sleep when you heard a soft knock on your doorframe. Yawning, you looked up to see your dad. There was a look in his eyes that told you he wasn't going to start yelling again.

Dad: Hey, Kid.

You: Hey.

Dad: Mom says you love that guy. Uh, what was his name again...Fisshu?

You: *rolls your eyes but smiles* Kisshu, Dad. Kisshu, not Fisshu.

Dad: Oh, right...What's with his big ears?

You: *fidgets* 'Shit...' Uh, it's, uh, uh, a birth defect thing.

Dad: Hn. What if know, hurts you?

You: I know Kisshu, Dad. He won't hurt me. 'Night.

Dad: 'Night...I'm sorry for blwing up like that.

You: It's over. Forget it. Kisshu understands.

Dad: OK. But it's just that I still see you as my little kid.

You: I'm your little kid and Kisshu's little fox.

With that you snuggled deeper into the blankets and slipped into sleep's warm embrace, smiling.

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