PART 11-The Cyniclon's Planet

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~One Month Later~ You perched on one of the benches in the park, shivering. It was December, and there was a light coating of snow over everything.

You: *thinking aloud* Why did I think this jacket was going to be warm enough? What am I doing here anyway?

You were wearing a pale orange, summer-light sweater with your white jacket over it, a dark red mini skirt, and tall white socks with black shoes. As usual, your hair was tied up in a high ponytail; today it was fastened with a red satin ribbon. You shivered again. Then, suddenly, strong, warm arms wrapped around you.

Kisshu: *whispering in your ear* Miss me Foxy?

You gasped and whipped around to stare at him.

Kisshu: *grins* I didn't know humans could move that fast.

You opened your mouth to protest but he put a finger to your lips. You quieted and let him teleport you both into your room.

Kisshu: Aren't you even going to say hi?

You: *pouting* You haven't given me a chance!

Kisshu: *Smirks and kisses you. You kiss back* There. Now you've said hi.

You: *grins at him* Yup. Looks like it.

Kisshu: *face turns serious* There's something I want to show you. OK?

You: *confused but willing* OK.

He held you close and teleported. You froze upon seeing your new surroundings: thick green fog clouded the air, and crumbling parts of what seemed to be buildings were all around. You weren't quite sure where you were, but you got the feeling it was where Kisshu went when he wasn't on Earth.

"Over here," Kisshu said, taking your hand and drawing you over to a keyboard-like thing. You followed, swallowing nervously. Kisshu pressed a few buttons and a picture formed in midair. Soon you were watching some sort of horror movie, full of tumbling cliffs, aliens like Kisshu screaming and running, and more. You began shaking uncontrollably. It was horrible to see things like that and not be able to help, especially when on your own planet you were some kind of superhero. Finally Kisshu stopped stopped the images.

Kisshu: *looking sad* That's what's happening to my home planet.

You: *taking a deep breath to calm down* That's...awful. But isn't there another way to save it, besides taking Earth.

Kisshu: Not that we know of yet.

You sighed and Kisshu wrapped his arms around you. You stood that way for a bit, then he teleported both of you in front of your house. He started to turn away, but you grabbed his hand.

You: 'I'm not letting him leave yet. And I'm going to stay by his side, even when I'm not a Mew Mew anymore!' Come in, Kisshu. Please? My mom already knows you, so she won't mind.

Kisshu: *hesitates, then smiles at you* OK.

You led him into the living room...and stopped dead. Dad was home.

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