PART 15-Shop Till You Drop

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You grinned, looking at string of bright green light lights you'd just strung up on the outside of your house. It was about three weeks till Christmas, and you were just getting around to decorating the house. You were hanging up lights on the outside and and putting figures out on the lawn while your little brother was hanging ornaments on the tree inside.

You looked up at the clear sky, frowning slightly. "I wish it would snow for once," you murmured.

A few minutes later your front door banged open. and your little brother stuck his head out.

Brother (hehe I didn't give him a name): Hey Ringo, can you make me some hot chocolate?

You: What's the magic word?

Brother: Now! *you sweatdrop* Just kidding. Please?

You: *laughing* Ok then.

You followed as he ducked back into the house. In the kitchen you made two cups of hot chocolate, giving one to your little brother and raising the second to your own lips. You walked over to the front window and surveyed your work from the inside.

You: 'That looks alright. Ok, I'll start my Christmas shopping tomorrow, then I think I can just relax for a while...unless the Cyniclons attack.'

~The Next Day~

You pulled on a pale orange sweater with a white skirt, tall white socks, and black shoes, thinking about what to buy for people.

You: 'Well, I guess for the other Mew Mews I can get something in their color. Pink for Ichigo, blue for Mint, green for Lettuce, yellow for Pudding, and purple for Zakuro. Ryou and Keiichiro would probably like something sort of scientific. I don't know what to get for the aliens though. I guess I'll just have to look around.'

You left the house still thinking about what to get for the aliens.

~At The First Shop~

You entered the clothing store feeling fairly confident. It wasn't long before you found something either. It was a bubble-gum pink sweater with little black paw prints at the collar. You immediately thought of Ichigo when you saw it, so you bought it in a size you hoped would fit her. You walked around for a while longer but all you found was a pair of dangerous looking black high heels you were pretty sure that Sakura would like and an orange scarf you had decided would be nice for Kisshu. Sighing, you left the shop.

~End Of The Day~

You sighed as you flopped down on your stomach on your bed and pulled your fluffy white pillow to your chest. There were some times you just hated shopping. Christmas time was one of them. Of course, you loved the festive window displays, but the stores were much too crowded for your liking.

Luckily you'd managed to get something for everyone. A few minutes later you picked up a notebook and scribbled down a list of the gifts you'd bought and who they were going to.

Ichigo-pink paw print sweater

Mint-sky blue ballet slippers

Lettuce-travel guides

Pudding-electronic lollipop spinner

Zakuro-"Pobody's Nerfect" drink mug

Sakura-black high heels

Ryou-dark green, navy, and maroon neckbands

Keiichiro-new set of baking supplies

Brother-toy robot



Grandma Sakurio-sewing magazine

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