PART 5-Sunny Afternoons

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You were half asleep on Monday when you and Ichigo walked into your school. Ichigo was talking but...being half asleep, you weren't listening. Until you heard someone across the shoe locker place call your name. It was Kai. "Good luck," Ichigo whispered, slipping away.

You: No wait! Don't leave me with... *the words died in your throat and you turned to faceKai.*

Kai: Hey Ringo!

You: Hi.

Kai: *frowning slightly* Are you alright?

You: Just peachy.

Kai: *breaks into a smile* Good! So do you wanna go out with me on Friday?

You: 'God he's dense.' Can't. I have to work.

Kai: *face falls* Oh. Do you ever get a day off?

You: Yeah, Sunday, but even that's not a guarantee.

Kai: Alright then. See ya around I guess.

You: Yeah. See ya. *Kai walks away and Moe and Miwa walk up*

Moe: Tell me you didn't just turn downa date with the second hottest guy in this school!

You: Alright then, I won't saw anything.

Miwa: You did! Why!?

You: First of all I don't have time and second of all I'm just not interested.


Moe: You're kidding.

You: Nope!

Miwa: But how is that possible?

You: It's pretty simple actually. *walks away*

~That Evening~ You were laying on your back on your bed, holding your book up in the air as you read, when you heard a knock on the glass. You quickly put the book aside and got up because you knew without looking that it was Kisshu. The first thing he did when he stood on the ground was hold you close and kiss your forehead. You smiled, hugging him back.

You: I'm SO glad to see you.

Kisshu: Something happen?

You: *shudder* Kai...

Kisshu: *stiffens and pulls back to look you in the eye* Who's Kai?

You: He's considered the second hottest guy in Ichigo's and my school, after Masaya. And he likes me, but I don't like him.

Kisshu: What did he do?

You: Not much. He asked me out and my friends Miwa and Moe gave me a hard time about saying no.

Kisshu: And you said no because?

You: Because...I love you.

Kisshu smiled again and kissed you gently on your lips.

Kisshu: And I love you. So...

You: Uh-oh. "So" usually means bad news.

Kisshu: *grins (well I had to change it up a bit!)* So tomorrow you're spending the afternoon with me. *smiles like ^-^*

You: *smiles brightly* No objections here!

Kisshu: Good. See you tomorrow Foxy! *teleports away*

You: *to yourself* See ya Kisshu... *you savored his name on your tounge.*

Mom: *from the first floor* RINGO!



You: NO ONE!

~P.E. the Next Day~ In gym the next day, your class was playing wiffleball. At the end of the hour, your sensei decided to give the class a lecture. You stood by the edge of the crowd, not really paying attention. Then from behind you came a familiar voice which was also the last thing you'd expected to hear.

Kisshu: Hi Foxy!

*POP* Out came your fox ears and tail.

You: EEP! Kisshu quit doing that!

Luckily your class wasn't paying attention to ANYTHING, and you and Kisshu kept your voices low, so no one else noticed the green-haired, golden-eyed, elf-eared guy floating beside you.

Kisshu: Is that any way to greet me? *pouty look*

You: Look Kisshu, I don't have time right now. I'll see you after school.

Kisshu: *grins* OK little fox! *teleports away again*

You: *smiles* 'How do I put up with him?'

~After School~ You: *your gaze sweeps the schoolyard* 'Where is he?'

Kisshu: *from behind you* There you are my little fox!

*POP* Yep, there were those pesky ears and tail again.

You: *jumps about a foot into the air and spins around to face Kisshu* STOP THAT!!!

Kisshu: Not gonna happen Foxy! *floats back a bit*

You: *sigh, then uses a thoughtful voice* You know, we'd have more time if you just teleported me home to drop off my stuff.

Kisshu: *eyes light up* Good idea! *grabs you and teleports*

~At your house, about 2 seconds later~ You: Thanks. *drops stuff and pulls out cell phone*

Kisshu: Ringo...?

You: *looks at him* What? I have to tell Ryou that I'm not going to the cafe today.

Kisshu nodded and sat on your bed while you called Ryou. It kind of escalated into a shouting match before long, but finally Ryou gave in. Unfortunatly you had to give up your Sunday to cleaning the cafe.

You: OK then, now that that's taken care of!

Kisshu grabs you in a hug and teleports you both to the park, under the trees. You glanced around, saw no one, and ducked into the undergrowth. With a startled sound, Kisshu followed. The two of you ducked and weaved in the dappled shadows of the trees. Once, as the shadows lengthened, you caught a mischevious glint in his eyes and spun around. He teleported in front of you, grinning wickedly.

"Not fair!" you laughed, hugging him anyway. He hugged you back, and you kissed him on impulse. After a second of stunned surprise, he kissed you back. You both pulled away at the same time a minute or so later. You were both smiling, and he teleported to the top of the largest hill in the park with you. You leaned against him as the sun went down, turning your dark hair to fiery gold. You sighed happily and he snaked his arm around your waist. Tilting your head upward to the sky, you saw the first bright star.

You: *sigh* I have to go.

Kisshu: *looks regretful* OK. *picks you up bridal style and teleports back to your room. He layed you down on the bed and pulled the covers up to your chin. You were already half asleep.* 'Night Foxy.

You: 'Night Kisshu. *pulls him close and kisses him one last time.*

He looked at you fondly when you released him to snuggle deeper under the covers. Then he teleported away.

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