PART 4-Dragged Into the Mess

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Your best friend from your old private school. No, she's not a Mew Mew.

Name: Sakura Roiyaru (Roiyaru means "loyal")

Age: 14

Personality: loyal, won't go behind somebody's back, great friend to have

Appearance: long blue-black hair, blue eyes, fair skin.


A week passed with no sign of Kisshu. You couldn't help being a little dissapointed, even when Saturday dawned clear and bright and Sakura asked you to hang out at the park with her. It was the first time you'd seen her since you left the private school. You sighed as you grabbed your white jacket and headed out the door. You were wearing a tight blue t-shirt, a flaring black skirt, tall white socks, and black shoes. You met Sakura at the west entrance of the park and the two of you walked into the wooded area. You were still out of it, still thinking about Kisshu. Then you and Sakura sat on a bench under the shady boughs of a chestnut tree. She'd been telling you about her boyfriend and other things about your old private school, while you told her about Ichigo and the others (excluding Kisshu) and Cafe Mew Mew, but now you both fell silent. You leaned back and closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth. You drowsily wondered if Kisshu would be staring at you when you opened your eyes. Of course, he wasn't.

You: Funny. I barely slept last night and I feel fine.

Sakura: What were you doing last night?

You: Thinking...

Sakura: About?

You: *blushes* Kisshu.

Sakura: Kisshu? Who's K--

Kisshu: I thought I heard my name. Hey Foxy!

You looked up to see Kisshu as Sakura looked around wildly. The alien landed and had begun to walk over to you before Sakura saw him. She gulped.

You: *smiling* Hi Kisshu!

Sakura looked at Kisshu suspiciously and he frowned.

Kisshu: Who's this Foxy?

You: Sakura. One of my friends.

Sakura: *coldly* Hi.

You look at her confused, but Kisshu just smirks and ignores her.

Kisshu: Come with me Ringo. Just for a bit. *you hesitate* I want to show you something. It won't take long.

You hesitated just a second longer, then nodded once and went to him.

Sakura: What are you doing Ringo!? You're just going to go with him? C'mon, that's crazy. You practically just met him!

You: *gives Sakura a cold stare* I trust him. *expresion becomes friendly and you smile* I'll call you later. Promise.

Then Kisshu wrapped his arms around your waist and teleported.

~Wherever Kisshu teleported you~ When you opened your eyes and loosened your grip on Kisshu, you saw that you were standing on a cliff high above the ocean.

You: Whoa.

Kisshu: Like it?

"Yeah," you whispered, leaning against him, "It's beautiful." Kisshu looked down at you, smiling.

Kisshu: Not as beautiful as you.

You blush as he tilts your chin up and kisses you. This time you kiss him back.

~That night, on the phone~ Sakura: Hello?

You: Hi Sakki!

Sakura: Ringo! You're back!

You: Of course I am! What did you expect? *silence* Sakki?

Sakura: I don't think I like him Ringo. How can you stand being around him?

You: Easy. I love him. And he loves me.

Sakura: Ringo, how can you be sure? You've barely known him for two weeks.

You: Let's just say sometimes he's there even when I don't see him.

Sakura: What is he, like a stalker?

You: *smiles* Kind of.

Sakura: Ringo!

You: Look I can't explain right now. Meet me at Cafe Mew Mew tomorrow morning. I think you deserve to know what's going on.

Sakura: OK.

You: And Sakki?

Sakura: Yeah?

You: Don't tell anyone about Kisshu.

Sakura: ...OK.

~Next Day~ You met Sakura outside Cafe Mew Mew at nine AM.

Sakura: So what's this about?

You: Come meet Ryou and Keiichiro. They'll explain it all. *you started to head into the cafe, then looked back at Sakura over your shoulder* Remember. Not a word about me and Kisshu. Sakura nodded and you led her inside. She stared around at all the pink with wide eyes. You led the way to the lab in the basement. Luckily Keiichiro and Ryou were both down there.

Ryou: Ringo? What are you doing here so early?

You: *looking away* Since I'm involved and Sakura's my best friend, I figured she should know about the Mew Project. Besides, maybe she can help.

Sakura nods hopefully. Ryou and Keiichiro glanced at each other. After a moment Ryou sighed and began telling Sakura about the Mew Mews. When he got to the part about Kisshu being the enemy her eyes widened, but she gave no other sign that she'd ever heard of him. When Ryou finished explaining, Keiichiro asked if Sakura would work at the cafe. She agreed and got her first job that way.

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