Mood Rings Cont.n.d part II- Coutdown 10

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Hello all!!!!

Wattpad has stopped acting up and I couldn't be happier!!!! Part II is officially posted, it's nice and long, and more awesome chapters are to come!!!!!!! My writer's block is also down, so I have cranked out this lovely end-of-chapter for you all. So sorry (hehe NOT) about the cliffhanger!!!!!

Love you all,





Hazel: *dark green; confusion mixed with... depression and jealousy?* Piper, this isn't exactly fair. *swats at hair and fans herself* You should have told us what this was gonna do.

Calypso: *light yellow, worry* will this last long? I don't really like being a blonde...

Leo: *red; attraction; he's looking at Calypso* You're gorgeous either way, Callie.

Percy: *bright blue; excitement* I hope it does last forever! This is so cool! Annabeth, look! I don't even have to get Mom's permission cause I didn't know what it would do. She can't complain! And I'll never get bored of one single color! Awww, this is SO GREAT!

Annabeth: *calm blue with a small mixture of affectionate contempt (yellow); altogether lime green* Percy, you know it's going to wear out in like a few seconds, right?

Piper: *normal blue; shock* how did you know, Annabeth?

Annabeth: *calm blue* Pigrestye's Third Law states that a lasting effect in a potion cannot be achieved with less than a teaspoon of potion. The amount in the spoons wasn't above a teaspoon.

Leo: *bright pink; intense humor*

Leo: *smirks*

Nico: *red; attraction; he must be looking at Luna* The potion tasted a little like that awful stuff we had to drink in the House of Hades, remember?

Luna: *light purple; calm blue and red (attraction); she must be looking at Nico* Oooh, that sounds terrible!

Draco: *bright yellow; panic* I knew you lot were trying to poison me!

Reyna: *red; attraction, mixed with orange; repulsion, mixed with... okay, mixed results. Brown? Does she feel sick?* Draco, don't act like a git. Of course no one's trying to poison you!

Draco: *red; attraction* Well, maybe not everyone is as trusting as you, Reyna!

-pandemonium; end of record-

"Hey!" Draco yelled indignantly once Molly had finished. "I am NOT attracted to Reyna!"

"And why would you read that out loud?" Reyna added, glaring at Ginny, who was cracking up. "And I feel FINE! I'm not sick!"

Alexos, who hadn't said anything the whole time, turned a little pale. Was Reyna really falling for his cousin? Draco had already taken almost everything from him; was he going to take his girlfriend, too?

She's not your girlfriend, he told himself fiercely. You have no hold on her. Stop it!

"And besides-" Reyna started to say, but then she stopped and clutched at her chest. "What's happening?"

Her face was growing paler and paler. Alexos remembered what the notes had said about her feeling sick. And then her skin suddenly started to take a greenish tinge; she gave a shuddering gasp and dropped senseless to the floor.

Alexos and Draco both started for her, but Draco got there first. He picked the girl up and glared at Piper. "It must have been that potion. What did you do to it?"

Piper looked on the verge of tears. "I- I don't know. It was supposed to be a joke potion for George's shop- it wasn't dangerous- we tested it ourselves!"

Alexos watched his cousin's face as he held Reyna. He could see pain- pain that he'd never seen there before. But he couldn't think overlong on anything but: "is Reyna okay?"

The demigods and wizards were all arguing, and Draco's face grew more and more impatient and worried. Finally, he yelled "QUIET!"

Everyone stopped arguing and turned, stunned, to look at him. His pale skin was beaded with sweat; his pale eyes were downcast as he looked at Reyna.

"Well? What is it, Malfoy?" Ron snarled.

Before, Alexos knew that Draco would have gone into a rage at these words and snapped something cutting back at "Weasley." But now he disregarded the insult. Reyna had started to shake, and her skin was turning blue.

"I'm taking Reyna to Saint Mungo's," he said.

"How d'you know you'll get her there safe?" Ron asked.

"That's a fair point, Mal- Draco," Harry noted. "Don't you think-"

"There's no time to talk," Draco said shortly. He stalked over to the fireplace and looked at it contemplatively, then looked back. "Anyone got any-"

"Floo Powder? Yes," Hazel said. Alexos admired her calm demeanor as she walked deliberately and briskly to the fire and threw a handful of powder in. "Go," she said. She looked for a moment at her former leader's pale, twitching, pained face and then pushed Malfoy into the flames.

"Saint Mungo's!" he said, his voice clear.

And with a bang and a puff of green smoke, he was gone, and so was Reyna.

Hazel turned back to face the group, and Alexos saw how pale she was, but she kept it together.

"We'd better go and tell McGonagall," she said.

And, with sinking hearts, the crowd of Gryffindors, professors, and demigods trooped slowly out of the common room and up to the Headmistress's office.

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