Chapter seven

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Uhm yeah the story won't feel so rushed now. Sorry about the sudden changes :(((

"Paul said you were going to sing this one." Ringo said with a mouthful of food. George said he should eat plenty. Of course there was a downside to it. George swore that the number of times he skipped meals would be the number of times the tickle sessions would be. As much as Ringo loved tickles he'd rather eat mouthfuls of George's sandwiches instead.

George face him, looking like a nervous wreck. "I know! What if they don't like it? What if... What if I don't sing it as good as Paul?"

"But you sound nice," Ringo said, blushing a bit. "You sing good, I mean. The girls would go gaga for you."

George gave him a soft smile. "But Paul's always going to be better." He leaned against the couch and fished out a cigarette. He lit it and placed it into his mouth. He looked so peaceful there. Handsome, even, with the moonlight framing his face. Ringo's heart leaped a bit.

"Can I have one?"

George exhaled the smoke in rings. "I only have one." He smiled at him, eyes twinkling mischievously. "We could share."

Ringo bit his lip. "Uh, yeah. S-Sure," George handed the cancer stick to him. "Thanks Gear."

He smiled at him. "No problem."

"You smile alot, nowadays." Ringo said, leaning against the couch. "Before you were just stone-cold Harrison."

"It's because you've stop cutting for three days now. I'm happy because of that." He said, propping his feet on the coffee table. "I'm happy that you're not hurting yourself. Well, not anymore."

"O-Oh." Ringo looked away for a bit, puffing the cigarette. "I'm trying my best, you know? Three days isn't the longest I'd been but it's still hard." He blew the smoke out through his nose when he gave a sigh.

"What's it like, Ritchie? Having depression?"

He passed the cigarette to the other. "It's kind of like drowning," He began. "But you aren't in water and you're constantly surrounded by people. But those people, they could see you desperately trying to surface the water but they don't want to help you up. They just... leave you there, drowning in the deep sea."

"That's horrible!" George said, grimacing a bit, the stick still in his mouth. "You know we'll always be here for you, Ritchie. I'm always here for you." He clasped a hand on his shoulder. "You can fight it, Ritchie. And if you need me just call."

"Thanks, Georgie." He managed a smile. A real smile.

"Anything for you Ritchie."

He hugged him tightly. And that was when Ringo could truly confirm that it was a brotherly hug and nothing more nothing less.

"I wanna hear you sing." Ringo said, munching on his sandwhich.

George bit his lip nervously. "You sure?"

Ringo nodded, chewing on his food. George sighed. "Well then, here we go."

"You'll never know how much I really love you~..." He sang softly. "You'll never know how much I really care~... Listen!" He grinned at him playfully. "Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell? Oh woah oh woah~ Closer... Let me whisper in your ear, say the words you want to hear--- I'm in love with you~ Woooh oooh ooh..." Ringo couldn't believe his ears. His voice was soft and hit the right notes, even the ooohs sounded perfect.

Ringo was smiling. "Hey, why did you stop?" He teased. "You sound pretty good, Georgie."

"Really?" An embarrased flush formed in his cheeks.

He nodded. "You should sing more. I like your voice. It's different from Paul and John's.  A good different." A really good different, Ringo thought.

"Thanks Ritchie." George said, a sheepish smile forming in his lips.


It's true, though! George sings like an angel oh my god.

Wattpad's being a bitch again! The additional part didn't show in the update :|

So why don't you:


Love you all,



I'm starting another smut oneshot book called Random. Gay. Smut. You could uhm request in the comments of whatever OTP as long as they are homos. But I will never and I mean never do Hagrid and Dumbledore. *shivers*

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