Chapter twenty-one (guns lay down ur arms) (aka i suck at counting)

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Warning: Rape scene. Also, suicidal thoughts are back.

Angst: I'm back.

Me: Crap.

Also this chapter was a bit of a quickie so you guys get updated soon :3

John and Paul somehow got stronger, which is good for them. But Ringo's dreams gotten worse every night. He would wake up in cold sweat, shaking, silent tears running down his cheeks. George would always wake him up right before Rory got to him.

It was the same dream but it got more and more real until it felt like Rory was physically there and the pain coursing through his neck when he bit him was real.

Sometimes George would just stay awake, watching him just in case something would happen to his love.

He would hold his hand and sing him to sleep (Ringo really liked his voice) and hug him tight.

"If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true. And help me understand. Cause I've been in love before, and I found that love was more than just..." He blinked back the tears. ".... holding hands..." He let out a shaky breathe. "Oh Ritchie, my Ritchie..."

Ringo was trapped somewhere George couldn't get to. And that terrified him because he heard of people dying in their sleep. So he stood awake for three nights straight, fighting back sleep.

"Georgie... You need to sleep, luv."

i can't what if you


i need to protect you

The guitarist managed a weak smile and pressed a kiss on his love's forehead.

"I'm fine, Ritchie."

So he stood awake for three nights.


His teeth were sinking down his neck. He was crying, sobbing, just pleading him to just stop.

"P-Please Rory stop!"

It burned down there when he moved in him. His hole felt like it would tear open. He bit down on the pillow, muffling his screams. His nose was bleeding from the punch he received not too long ago. The blood already dried on the pillow and on his cheek. His cock hurted too from the multiple times Rory forced him to cum or prevented him from cumming.

He flinched when Rory pressed a kiss on his lips. A gentle, sweet kiss.

"It's going to be alright, baby." He murmured sweetly in his ear. "Relax a bit and it's going to feel good."

Ringo gripped the sheets, his knuckles deathly white. "I can't!" He whimpered. "It hurts too much..."

"You know what happens when you disobey me, Ritchie."


He slapped him across the face, earning a muffled scream. Ringo dug his fingers on the pillow he was holding and bit hard when Rory pushed it all in. His eyes blurred with tears as he wished he just killed him instead.


"No more! No more!"

George bolted right up.

"STOP!" Ringo screamed out of pure agony. "STOP PLEASE!"

Their bedroom door creaked open, revealing a bedraggled wide-eyed John and a rudely-awakened Paul.

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