Chapter seventeen

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"Paul wants the world to know that we're... together and such." George mumbled in Ringo's neck. He was hugging him from behind, his head resting on the drummer's shoulder.

"John doesn't want the world to know." Ringo sighed tiredly. "Have you ever seen him cry? His eyes were teary, you know? I haven't seen him like that before. Except when Paul punched him in the cheek. I'm worried." He confessed.

"Paul says he's cheating on him. I'm calling him paranoid." George kissed his lover's neck, making him relax a bit. "He's a drama queen, Paul. Says John had smudged lipstick mark on his cheek last week."

Ringo furrowed his eyebrows. "Girls are always after us. Maybe one of them managed to catch up and kiss his cheek?"

"That's what I said but Paulie wouldn't listen." He planted kisses below Ringo's ear, making him shiver. "Enough about Lennon and Mccartney, I want Harrison and Starkey now." He whispered lowly in his ear, grinning like a cheshire cat.

Ringo mock-glared at him. "You really had to place your name first--- ah!" George's fangs sank on the sensitive part in his neck, near the collarbone. Sparks of pain and pleasure ran up the drummer's spine. "Ow that hurts!" What Ringo felt was totally the opposite. It felt good. In an odd pain-pleasure way.

"I doubt that it hurts by the way you say it." George purred. He pressed his lips against his quickly, biting harshly on the bottom lip. Ringo snaked his arms around the guitarist's neck and stood on his toes to reach his lips. George gained access and hungrily devoured the little drummer's mouth.

"Hey George? Please don't bite."

He stopped kissing his neck and looked at him. "What's wrong, love?"

The drummer bit on his bottom lip. "I-I... Just don't. It really hurts, you know?"

"Sorry." George apologized sheepishly but it was sincere enough for Ringo. "You're just damn delectable that I can't help but eat you." The guitarist didn't bite but he nibbled on the shell of his ear.

Ringo giggled. "There are other ways to eat me, you know?" He suddenly turned red. "I-It sounded better in my head..."

"Say no more, my love." George chuckled. "If I can't use my teeth I can still use my tongue?" He offered, a sly grin forming in his lips. He emphasized by licking the area he knew so well in Ringo's neck. A soft moan escaped the drummer's lips. Out of instinct, George bit down softly on the spot, enticing a gasp from his lover.

"I thought I said no biting?" It was suppossd to be sounding like a warning, but it went out as a whine. "G-George please stop," He gripped George's shirt. "George s-stop it hurts..." But he kept on sinking his little fangs wherever he could reach. He left mark after mark, as if branding Ringo he was his. Well, he is his.

When the guitarist didn't stop biting him he gently but sternly pushed him away. Hurt flashed in George's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Ringo blurted out, his hands going up to cover his love-bite covered neck. He took a sharp intake of breathe when he felt something sticky and warm in his neck. And fuck that wasn't George's saliva.

"What's wrong, Ritchie?" George demanded. "I know it doesn't really hurt you but---"

"It just does, okay? It hurts, really hurts." Ringo's eyes flickered across the room, not meeting George's. And at that instant, he knew something was up.

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