Chapter twenty

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Asdfghjkl I actually made 20 chapters I'm proud of myself woot woot


2041 words in this one considering the whole story and author's notes :D I made up for the 700+ one before

Also, there's a minor time skip :)


"Think about it Paul, you're putting the whole band in jeopardy for Christ's sake!"

Paul crossed his arms, not one bit backing down. "George and Ringo already told us that they wouldn't mind it at all, Eppy."

Brian Epstein massagged his temples. "This could ruin your career, Paul. All of your careers. And it could put you in jail!"

"I've already decided, Eppy!" Paul's voice rose.

John tugged on his boyfriend's hand. "Paul, luv, think about it for a minute." Paul didn't know he was already standing up when John pulled him down.

He sat down. He looked at his manager then to his lover.

"We can't keep hiding it forever, John." He said, deflatedly. "I just don't want our relationship to just remain to be a dirty, little secret."

John's eyes widened at Paul's words. "Paulie, I never said that. You were never a dirty little secret." He kissed his hand. "You know I love you." He confessed, looking at him straight in the eye.

Paul yanked his hand back. "If you did love me you would've kept your promise."

He walked out.


"We'll announce it soon, okay baby?"


"I promise."



The guitarist's head shot up. "I-I... Sorry, could you repeat what you said?"

Brian looked stressed and worry-stricken. "What promise is Paul talking about?"

The room was dead silent. John's head fell on his hands.

"John? Are you okay?"

"Fuck, Eppy I-I..." He let out a shaky sigh. "I fucked up, Eppy, I fucked up."

Brian nodded. "I know. But what promise was Paul talking about?"

"I promised him that we'd announce it soon."

Brian ran a hand through his hair, a tired sigh escaping his lips. "Jesus, you can't just promise things like that, John!"

"I know!" He yelled, hands shaking. "Fuck I'm sorry---"

Brian waved it off. "Just find the lad, okay?"

John nodded stiffly before running off to find Paul.

Fuck, he really did fucked up.




"Stop please..."

George sat up and gently poked his lover. "Ritchie?" Poke. "Ritchie?" George saw fresh tear stains glistening on the drummer's cheeks and he shook him awake. "Ringo!"


His blue eyes shot wide open. His chest went up and down as he released shaky breathes. He was shaking, no, trembling. George tightened his arms around him.

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