>Author's Note<

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Yes, I know it's been AGES.

No,I won't update anymore.

Why? Because when I wrote this story I was depressed and angsty and ugh. I don't want to feel that ever again. 

I MIGHT MAKE A REWRITE though. Keyword is MIGHT.

But I won't delete this, I did work a bit hard on this.

And also, whenever I re-read this I cringe. Like, what the hell? I wrote this?

So, yeah,no. I won't and will not update. This story's dark and depressing and I don't want to be dark and depressing. I already fucked my shit up on CFY (crazy for you).

I'm sorry to all the people who's been waiting for an update. Because it isn't going to happen. Even if I do change covers.

( I love this cover, btw   64Aliens you should make more covers haha)

So uh sorry. Again.



I'll make better stories than this. Think of it like an alternative-ish book. 

Sorry again.

i'M FiNE | Starrison [✖️]Where stories live. Discover now