Author's Nawt

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Okay so let's start of with a calm introduction.


*throws kisses and cupcakes and cookies everywhere*

Also, drum roll please:

[*shouting from the distance* I GOT BLISTERS ON MY FINGERS!]

I have a new story! And it's fluffy and sweet and happy-ish unlike this one. It's like it's opposite twin. The title is "Something" and it's a story about Rachel Starkey who struggles being a transgender girl when she still has her manly bits. It also has Mclennon, LennStarr and most inportantly Starrison~


Ringo--- fuck, Rachel, it's Rachel now. Or maybe Ritchie. Rachie. That didn't sound so manly.

Rachel always wanted to be a woman. Sure, she shaved her legs and wore dresses and made sure she had right curves in the right places.

But she never felt like it.

She felt like a girl but not a pretty girl. She still felt like a man in a drag. A queer. A fag.

She never felt pretty.

She never felt like a normal girl.

Until George Harrison walked--- no, barged into her life by spilling coffee all over her brand new dress.

Yay! A new story! I'm experimenting at the moment and this idea jus' popped into my head :3 And yeah it was 2 am and I had to scramble to find my notebook just to scribble it all down to make sure I didn't forget it.

So if you got time please check on it!

Also, because of "Something" I'm gonna put i'M FiNE on hold for a bit.

*dodges tomatoes*

I got saved drafts already ready (that was weird to write) to be posted. I'll just publish it when I'm ready to let go of Something.

Ya see, I treat books like kids. When they're young you gotta teach them how to walk and stuff until they're prepared to walk on their own. i'M FiNE is a big boy now and Something is a baby and she needs moi

So yeah, this book is on hold for a while :/

Love you guys,


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