
1.9K 34 19

The sun radiated heat from overhead as the sound of metal clashed to the ground, occasional shouts lifting up into the sky. Ignoring the noise and the ongoing activity, a young Bounty King leaned against a craft, watching lazily as his men finished securing his recent catch of boys from the forest. His arms were crossed and his expression was effortless; he was bored. The same thing happened day in and day out. He managed to capture several teen boys, to which none of them made it interesting, or even worth his time. They didn't even attempt to escape or put up a decent fight; they recognized their fate and surrendered. The Bounty King knew he'd end up selling the boys off to a lower Hunter's ranch for profit. He participated in the hunt because he had nothing else better to do. He wished he could go back to the front lines serving under the Bounty God, where action and thrills were at every turn. Now, he had to find some sort of entertainment. Sure he kept some of his catches for himself, but there was nothing exciting about them. They surrendered just as easily.

The Bounty King sighed heavily and tilted his head back to look at the azure sky, squinting his eyes as the sun shined on his face. He wished for something that would make his life interesting again. Something that would give him a drive and a purpose. Hunting the runaways from Safe Haven City was child's play. He wanted a challenge.

"You're bored aren't you?" The Bounty King slid his eyes over to look at one of his captains, standing off to the side, with a smile appearing on his face. The Bounty King narrowed his eyes irritably at his captain as he lowered his head.

"What's it look like to you?" he replied, flipping his shaggy hair to the side. The captain smirked, and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Well, if you're going to act like that, I won't tell you of the interesting rumor I heard. Apparently, there's an individual who lives in the forest who's never been captured, and they've been mocking Hunters for years now. But since you're so busy looking up in the sun and praying you'll go blind, I'll tell you when you are more interested," the captain retorted, a devious twinkle in his eye.

"You have five seconds to spill," the Bounty King retorted, standing straight up, his eyes fixed on his captain. The fire rekindled in the Bounty King at this news. How could he not be interested in something like this? This was a challenge he was waiting for. The captain rolled his eyes and gave a huff.

"It's a long trip, but near Safe Haven City there's a girl who has avoided capture from several Hunters for the past four years," the captain explained. The Bounty King's expression faltered as his shoulders slumped. Feeling the fire fade as quickly as it came, he leaned back against the craft, all interest evaporated.

"A girl," the Bounty King started slowly, "wouldn't last a week out in the forest, no matter how close to the city she is. That's all it is; a rumor." At that precise moment, the Bounty King's phone went off. His eyes widened, knowing his phone was only for emergencies. No one besides the Bounty God himself would call a King, unless it was direct orders from him. This better be important, he thought angrily. He grabbed his phone irritably and clicked it.

"What is it?"

"Lloyd? This is Charles, a Bounty Hunter near Safe Haven City. I have a urgent request for you."

The Bounty King's mouth dropped sightly, not believing the words he was hearing. From Safe Haven City? Isn't that where that girl is suppose to be? Is this some type of a joke? Why is he calling me about a girl?

"I hate to interrupt anything important you are doing, but I know you have a perfect record. There is this girl I would like you to catch, and I promise she will be worth your time."

"A girl?" the Bounty King asked. The Bounty King glared at his captain when a smirk appeared on his face. The captain raised his eyebrows up in a 'told you so' manner as he crossed his arms.

"Yes sir. I can give you more details if you decide to come but I can't seem to find a way to catch her. Nothing I do is working. I'm tired of being made a fool of."

The man on the other line seemed desperate and frustrated. This must be some girl if she irritates the Hunters there, he thought. Perhaps my captain wasn't mislead after all. The Bounty King smiled. Why not give it a shot? It would give him something to do for now, and if she wasn't worth it, he would just sell her off to some Hunter who could make use of her. He never had an interest in the girls he captured anyway; they didn't make it interesting either.

"I'll be there before the Harvest starts," he replied and hung up on the man. He looked over and saw his captain eyeing him with a grin on his face. The Bounty King just shook his head and headed over towards the front of his craft as the rest of the boys were loaded up. This better be worth it.

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