Chapter Eight

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I felt my body swaying and bouncing when I came to. I opened my eyes a crack to see an iron ceiling above me. My eyes danced around and I noted I was inside a cage. I closed my eyes again as my brain tried to replay the past events. What had happened? I couldn't remember, and my head was pounding so loudly I could barely hear my own thoughts. I heard movement from somewhere within the cage but I kept my eyes closed. Obviously, the Hunter had succeeded in capturing me and I didn't want to acknowledge my own failure. I couldn't accept such a disgrace. Not only did we get captured, but I had put Hailey in a terrible position. What if we were sent towards Safe Haven City? I would never forgive myself if we were. I gritted my teeth together, forcing a growl back down. Out of all the people to have caught me, it had to be this arrogant bastard of a Hunter. Something poked me in the shoulder and I opened my eyes to see Hailey inches from my face. She smiled brightly when she saw I was awake.

"You're finally awake!" I flinched back from her voice, and squeezed my eyes shut. It seemed to me she was yelling, but it was most likely because my head was throbbing. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, taking in my surroundings. Hailey was sitting on her feet looking intently at me. The cage was big enough for both of us, but it was still uncomfortable to sit in. I shook my head as I continued to curse myself. At least Hailey was alright. I looked her up and down and I didn't see any physical harm to her. Her arm was even bandaged up, but I would worry about how that happened later. I look outside the cage and saw the blur of a valley as the hovercraft sped past. I looked at Hailey, raising my eyebrow for an explanation.

"We got caught," she said giggling. "They were going to separate us, but I was able to convince them otherwise. You've been out for a couple hours. How do you feel?"

"Like someone beat my head in with a bat," I grumbled as I glared at her. I couldn't believe it. Here we were being taken to some unknown ranch, possibly to be tortured or sold, and Hailey was smiling and giggling. Like an idiot. I shook my head as I rubbed my temples, continuing to curse under my breath. I will never understand her happiness at the most devastating situations or happiness in general. Perhaps she didn't know what could happen. Then again, I have shielded her from the dark side of life. "What exactly happened?"

"Well after you sent me away, I accidentally ran into the soldier called Luke. It seemed he was waiting for me just outside the camp area, like he expected us to part ways. Lloyd gave chase to you and we saw you for a split second running through the forest. He tackled you, and both of ya'll fell into a canyon and--"

"And I hit my head on a rock and now we're stuck here. I remember now. Stupid, brainless Hunter who thinks he is such a big shot. How come that bastard couldn't have hit his head on a rock...Wait a minute, he tackled me?!"

Hailey covered her mouth giggling at my expression of fury. "He sure did. It was actually kind of funny. Both of ya'll took quite a fall. I was nervous when you weren't moving, but he gave his word that you would be okay." His word. I narrowed my eyes at the floor of the cage, those words swirling in my head. A person's word meant nothing to me.

"Why that little..."

"Please don't insult me when I'm within earshot. At least wait till I can't hear you." I turned my head and saw Lloyd sitting in front of the cage with a huge smile plastered to his face. His head was resting in his hand as he sat there, staring at us. I glared at him as I felt a growl start to rise up in my throat. I didn't even hear him come up; unless he was there listening to us the entire time. He smiled back at me, ignoring my venomous glare. "It seems you are perfectly fine. That negative attitude of yours hasn't changed, has it?"

"Humph, you're lucky I hit my head, or I wouldn't even be here," I snapped and Lloyd's eyes sparkled deviously.

"Yeah, you really would've gotten far with that gimp leg of yours." I took a threatening step towards him and I froze. Astonished, I looked down to see my leg was completely normal. The bone sticking out was gone. In fact, my leg almost looked brand new. All the pain that was previously present had vanished without a trace. Lloyd and Hailey both laughed at my shocked expression as I continued to stare down at my leg. I slowly looked up at Lloyd, amazed. Why did he fix my leg? Is it for the same reason he doctored Hailey's arm?

The Bounty HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora