Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I opened the door to Lloyd's mansion and I saw a blur of blonde before I was taken to the ground. I landed heavily on the floor as Hailey sat on top of me, laughter erupting from both Lloyd and Luke. I leaned up a bit and smiled at Hailey, but she didn't return it. Instead, she narrowed her eyes at me and pointed her finger at my face.

"Don't you EVER do that to me again! I mean it Kasey. If you ever scare me like that again, I'll have Lloyd tie you up to where you won't be able to leave!" I closed my eyes tightly hearing the words 'tie up'. I knew better than to let her know what had happened because it would only anger her further. Not to mention it was embarrassing for me to allow it to happen. Besides, she didn't need to concern herself with something already passed. Brandon wasn't going to touch me anymore. I opened my eyes and smiled reassuringly at her.

"Fine, I promise it won't happen again. You can't blame me when you have a gun pointed at you though. What else was I supposed to do?"

"I could've taken him," Hailey said smugly as she got off of me, huffing through her nose. I stood back up and faced her with a sympathetic grin on my face. She had a disappointed look spreading across her face and her arms were crossed. From her expression and stance, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Luke went over and whispered something in her ear and her eyes lit up. She gave me one last warning glare before following him into the kitchen with a small bounce in her step. What is Luke planning on doing? I tried to follow but Lloyd grabbed my shoulder and held me back. I looked over my shoulder to see the sad look on his face. Why the sudden change in mood? I wondered.

"You flinched when Hailey threatened to tie you up." My insides collapsed. 

"I didn't flinch," I said as I shrugged his hand off, my eyes falling to the ground.There is no telling what he would do if he found out what Brandon did to me.

"What did Brandon do? I never got to ask you because you fell asleep half-way through."

I gave him an irritated look. "I was exhausted, give me a break! He did nothing to me, so you don't need to worry about it." As much as I wanted to convince Lloyd nothing happened, I couldn't hold Lloyd's gaze. I lowered my eyes and avoided even looking at him. After a moment of silence I went to leave, but Lloyd threw me over his shoulder and made his way up to my room. Lloyd didn't seem satisfied by my answer and I knew he was planning to interrogate me more. He threw open the door, crossed the room in a few strides, threw me on the bed and then walked over to shut the door. I sat up and cocked my head to the side, irritated. "A simple 'Can you follow me real quick?' would be just fine. You don't have to pick me up all the time. I have legs too you know, and they work just fine." Lloyd didn't seem to hear my sarcastic remark as he made his way back to my bed. He crossed his arms and stood shoulder-width apart, his eyes piercing into me. My heart dropped into my stomach as I looked over to the wall.

"I'll ask one more time, Kasey. What did Brandon do to you?" I said nothing; Lloyd didn't need to know. Lloyd put his hand to his chin, as if he was deep in thought. I knew I was irritating him by refusing to answer him, but how could I? I never wanted to tell another human being what Brandon did. Lloyd's eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously at me, which caused my whole body to freeze up. He slowly walked over to the bed and stood over me, looking angrily down at me. I nervously started to back up, and Lloyd suddenly grabbed my hands and pinned them over my head, just like Brandon did. I flinched backwards as Lloyd hovered over me, and I watched as his eyes went from scary to a look of danger. If I looked in the face of the demon right now, I wouldn't even be scared after seeing Lloyd's gaze. I knew right then and there he figured out what Brandon had done, because his grip on my hands were tightening to where the blood circulation was being cut off from my wrists. I tried to wrench my hands free, but it only seemed to anger him more. His eyes flickered to my ankle and I panicked. I moved my feet away from his outstretched hand and hid it underneath him, but then he snaked it out and lifted up the sweats. Raw, bruising skin from the chains were revealed, and dried blood was caked onto my skin. Lloyd's grip on my hands and ankle tightened to the point to where i could no longer feel them. His eyes were narrowed into slits and his face was turning red from anger. "He chained you?" His tone terrified me. Lloyd's eyes connected with mine and I flinched back again. Even his gaze was scary.

The Bounty HunterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz