Chapter Nineteen

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The sound of Kasey's laughter still echoed in Lloyd's ears as he smiled up at the opening where Kasey disappeared to. Hearing her laugh was worth every ounce of humiliation he felt after he lost to her. I would like to say I let her win, but she wasn't bad. She's actually pretty good at games. Lloyd listened in to the conversation Hailey and Luke were having. Kasey laughing had shocked all of them, but they were relieved to see it happen, which only meant they were making progress. Lloyd walked out onto the patio and leaned against the railing as he looked up at the sky. Surely all of the horrible things Kasey had been through were over now, and perhaps she could finally move on in her life. He smiled to himself as he thought back at how competitive Kasey had gotten. He smiled to himself. So she likes to compete, he thought. His phone went off, and he jumped as the ringing interrupted him from his daze. He was wondering who was calling, since the Bounty God was the only one who really called him. If a lower ranked Hunter needed him, they got permission to call like Charles had. Lloyd flipped his phone open and answered it.

"What is it?"

"Your excitement is so overwhelming." Lloyd's eyes narrowed as he heard the voice on the phone. It belonged to another Bounty King, Brandon Knight, whom Lloyd had a deep hatred for. Lloyd and Brandon were practically enemies and would always end up in a fight, which was frowned upon by the Bounty God. Lloyd only tolerated him because it pleased the Bounty God.

"What do you want?" Lloyd said icily.

"You know how much I hate talking to you. But I got orders from the boss, and he ordered me to contact you. We have a meeting tomorrow morning at nine, and he wants all the Bounty Kings to come."

Lloyd looked inside the house to see Hailey still chatting with Luke. "Mandatory?"

"You sure don't waste your breath, do you? And what's with that question? You know damn well it's mandatory! Why else would he want all the Bounty Kings there?"

"What's this supposed to be over?"

"Supposedly, he's granting new titles. You're on the list, you know. You caught someone known as 'Uncatchable'. It sounds like a load crap to me. I bet it's nothing more than a little boy who had a big mouth. Had I been there, I would've..."

"Did I ask what you thought? No, I didn't. I just asked about the meeting. I really don't care what you thought you could've done."

Brandon seemed to ignore him. "Who the hell is this 'Uncatchable' person? What's he like?"

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "I'm done talking to you."

"Hey, Lloyd--" Lloyd hung up and put his hand to his head. Why did the boss have Brandon call him, when he clearly knows they hate each other's guts? If it was to spite him, then it was working. He walked back inside to see Hailey had gone off to bed, and Luke and Caleb were looking at him, knowing something had come up.

"I have to leave tonight. I'll be back tomorrow night or early the next day. However long this thing takes. Caleb, you're in charge of Kasey, and Luke you're in charge of Hailey. Let me know if something goes wrong."

"A meeting is what I'm guessing the call was about?" Luke asked as he crossed his arms.

Lloyd huffed angrily. "It would seem so."

"We'll let them know in the morning. Both of them are already in their rooms for the night," Caleb said as he sat back down.

"Where are Helen and Teresa?"

"Already in the maids house."

"Make sure they attend Kasey and Hailey tomorrow too to give them company while you two are out working. I don't want them alone."

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