Chapter Twenty-Six

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I woke with my head throbbing with pain and a pounding migraine. Brandon took the liberty of knocking me out as we left Lloyd's estate, enough to where I had a small gash on the side of my head. I closed my eyes again as I waited for the migraine to subside to a degree to where I could think straight. I moved my body and found my feet were like cement. I raised my head and my eyes widened when I saw my feet were chained to the end of a massive bed. It seemed odd to me my hands were left unchained, but I wasn't going to question it. I sat up and stared at the chains, my eyes narrowing in annoyance. The chains themselves seemed to weigh over fifty pounds each, and I struggled to lift my leg. Brandon wants to be sure I can't escape, I thought bitterly. I sat up fully and scooted my upper body to the side of the bed after spotting a window to the right. It was as if Brandon was taunting me, because he left the window wide open. My eyes flickered from the chains to the window, and I had a feeling I could wiggle my feet out of the chains if I worked hard enough at it. They were a bit loose at the top anyway, so I started working my foot out.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." My head snapped up to see Brandon sitting in his chair across the room, watching intently, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he leaned his head against his hand. I held my breath, my body rigid with fear as I couldn't help but think if he had been there the whole time. I narrowed my eyes at him as I forced my fear away. Brandon looked at his hand as he continued. "Thanks to your darling little sister, it looks like I won't have much time to play with you. Lloyd is already on his way here, much to my digust. Looks like he saw right through my scheme but I expected him too."

My eyes widened when I heard this. "You mean you planned the whole thing? The thing with South America was false?"

Brandon smiled at me. "You sure are slow. Yes, I planned the whole thing. I had to find some way to get Lloyd out of the way and then it just hit me; that was the way to do it."

"I wouldn't say I'm slow," I lowered my voice into a snarl. "I'm just surprised you actually came up with something that good all by yourself. Or did you have help?" Brandon narrowed his eyes as he slowly got up from his chair and made his way over to me. He stood at the edge of the bed, staring down at me before grabbing the chains and yanking them upwards. I yelped as I rose into the air, completely upside down. My head started to hurt as the blood rushed into it, my face turning red. It shocked me though; I couldn't believe Brandon could yank the chains up without much effort. The thought about him being this strong made me nervous. His face was even with mine, and his voice was cold as he spoke.

"I'd be careful what you say, little girl. Lloyd isn't here to save you this time. We wouldn't want an accident to happen, now would we?" He dropped me and I landed on my head before flipping over onto my back. I was up just in time to see Brandon leap over the bed as he came at me, and I rolled to the side to dodge him. Brandon planted his foot on the chains, and I felt like a snail trying to slither through molasses at that point. Brandon grabbed my hands and held them over my head as he got on top of me, his legs locking my hips in so I couldn't move. He lowered his face down to mine before smiling wickedly at me. "You're mine this time, girl." I moved my face away from him and he grabbed it with his free hand and made me face him once again.  "What's wrong? I would think you should be used to this. Don't tell me Lloyd doesn't do this?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Lloyd is an actual man. He doesn't pull stunts like this. He doesn't have to try as hard as you do to get a woman to like him," I said, my body starting to tense up. My answer was met with a slap across the face. I felt the sting on my cheek and I closed my eyes to take in the pain. I felt the tears start to form, but I immediately pushed them back. Brandon hit me hard enough for it to leave a sting in the aftermath. I closed my eyes tightly, taking in the pain. I refuse to cry in front of this bastard. Opening my eyes, I slowly looked over at him, my eyes glinting with hatred. Brandon smiled cruelly at me as he played with a strand of my hair.

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