Chapter One

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This is my first story, so I hope you guys enjoy it! :)

A gruffly-looking Bounty Hunter paced back in forth in his lodge, glancing at the old clock hanging on his wooden wall every now and then. His footsteps were heavy, the wooden boards creaking underneath his boots. Something had to be done, before news traveled across the continent. He was tired being made a fool of. How could a girl, a female, accomplish all that? Avoiding every trap he ever set, fooling his guards, and his hounds couldn't keep up with the girl's pace. Not to mention her attitude and actions towards authority figures; the Bounty Hunters themselves. She can't be human, he thought, tapping his fingers to his chin, avoiding me like this. She has to be caught and dealt with. He increased in his pacing, still checking the clock over his shoulder. His soldier standing nearby watched him uneasily as he did so.

"My lord, I'm sure he will be here soon. You can't rush a King. They do things at their own pace."

The Hunter stopped and eyed his commander, a look of desperation crossing his face. "Yes, yes, you're quite right. But one would think he would have been here by now. It is past the time of his arrival."

"I'm sure he is rushing to get here sir. He sounded excited about a challenge such as this," the soldier said reassuringly. The Bounty Hunter huffed.

"But that does not mean he can be late! If he takes too much longer, he won't even get to see the girl. You and I both know she doesn't stay long, and then she switches locations in the forest. It'll be near impossible to track her if she moves without him seeing her."

"I'm sure the King knows what he's doing my lord." The Bounty Hunter looked over at his soldier, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The sudden sound of an engine came blasting throughout the town, shaking the creaky inn the Hunter was in. The Hunter quickly rushed, as fast as his little chubby legs would carry him, down into the streets. As he opened the door, eight men came marching through, carrying their massive cuff guns and dressed in their black suits, the crest of a wolf on their chests. The Hunter stopped and watched as the ninth man jumped out of the hovercraft and firmly landed on the ground. Stretching his arms over his head, the man looks up and smiles at the chubby man. "It's been awhile Charles. Glad to see you're still healthy."

Relief washed over Charles. "Ah, Sir Lloyd! I'm glad to see that you were able to respond to my urgent request. You see, about this girl..."

"I actually didn't come to accept your request. I heard the rumors myself and it seemed interesting enough. So, I want a clean shot at it with no distractions. I take challenges seriously," Lloyd said smiling, holding up his hand to the man.

"Of course, Lloyd. This way please, I will give you what information I have been able to gather. Hopefully you'll find some use in it."

Leading Lloyd up the stairs and unto the balcony of the inn, Charles paused and looked over the town, watching the activity taking place below.

"Tomorrow is the Harvest, I'm guessing?" Lloyd asks as he watches the frantic shop owners run around on the streets below.

"Yes. It is also perfect timing on your part. The girl always comes to it, never fails to miss it."

"Now you're starting to sound like a stalker, Charles," Lloyd said. Charles turns to face him.

"You would understand my frustration had you been trying to capture her for four years!"

Lloyd turned his head slightly in Charles direction, seeing the older Hunter getting frustrated by the mere thought. Smiling, Lloyd said,"Ah, but it would not take me four years to get her. I'll give it about three day's tops."

The Bounty HunterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant