Chapter Sixteen

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There wasn't a moment of hesitation on Lloyd's part as he snapped his fingers, Luke and Caleb immediately taking action by immobilizing David. They slammed him to the ground, binding his hands behind his back as his face pressed up against the floor. Lloyd walked over there and squatted beside David, his eyes burning with anger. His eyes slid over to me and narrowed, and I knew he was telling me to stay put. I looked away from him, knowing my work was done. Hailey took hold of my arm and held it firmly, as if it would help keep me in place. I knew better than to interrupt now. I had been praying for the day justice would find this man and finally take his head.

"David Cuffs, I find you guilty with murder, attempted rape and prostitution selling. Your name will go to the Bounty God, and it will be up to him to decide if you are executed or not." David's face went white as fear struck him, and I smiled tauntingly at him as I knew justice finally found this man. Lloyd stood up and looked at Luke. "Take him away. On my next visit to the Bounty God, I'll be sure to take him with me. Lock him in the cells." Luke and Caleb hauled David up to his feet and began dragging him away. David looked right at me, his nostrils flaring in anger.

"If I get out, I swear I'll kill you Kasey, just like your damned brother. I should've done it back then when I had the chance!"

I opened my mouth to shout a retort, but Lloyd walked back over to me and placed a hand over my mouth, his eyes narrowed at David. "You'll never see her again, I can assure you that," Lloyd said angrily. The sounds of David's screams finally faded away, and we heard the closing of a door. Hailey released my arm and I glanced over at her, shaking Lloyd's hand away.

"You didn't have to hold me," I told her. "There was no way I was going to interrupt when that bastard was finally getting what he deserved."

"Yeah, but you looked really pissed off, and who knows if you would've thrown another knife at him, " Hailey said smiling. "If I hadn't, you probably would've killed him." I cocked my head to the side as her attitude had already improved. She was over it already? As I looked at her, her eyes lowered to the floor and her voice became quiet. "Kasey, I'm sorry. I never knew you were suffering so much. And you dealt with it alone, too. I can't believe I never knew."

"You were never meant to know," I whispered. "It's not a big deal Hailey. As sad as it is to admit, I am use to such things." Hailey looked up with me with her big round eyes.

"Yes it is! My sister was suffering, and all I could think about is why we were never returning to the city. I never stopped to think there could've been another reason to why you didn't want to return. I was thinking of myself. I didn't know David murdered people just to start a business. He probably killed Shawn just because." I could hear the disgust in her voice and I chuckled quietly.

"David killed Shawn for a reason," I answered and Hailey raised an eyebrow, her eyes wide in shock. "He knew I would refuse to leave the orphanage once we reunited with Shawn, which meant he wouldn't be able to get his hands on you. He didn't want to risk losing his prize."

Hailey looked away. "That's horrible," she whispered. She looked at me after a moment, her eyes filled with sadness and guilt. "Kasey, I'm so sorry. I wish I had known, I could've helped you." I gently smiled at her and her eyes lit up, the sadness vanishing. "Y-you smiled at me! I mean truly smiled at me!" I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

I rubbed the back of my head and looked away, completely embarrassed. "I suppose I did. I wouldn't get so use to it though. I can't change overnight." I looked back over to see Lloyd and Hailey looking at each other. They seemed to be communicating with their eyes, and a bad feeling rose up in my stomach when both of them smiled deviously. I started backing away when Lloyd quickly picked me, crushing my arms to my sides. I yelped with surprise and started struggling, my feet flailing. "Put me down!"

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