Chapter Eleven

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The sound of my pounding heart echoed in my ears, loud enough for Lloyd to come up beside me without my knowledge. I stared horrified at the monstrous snake, my mouth going dry from fear. The conversation I had heard a few nights ago dawned on me and I tightened my hands into fists. My body was shaking from fear as I watched the snake sway back and forth, it's demonic eyes locked on Hailey. I gritted my teeth as I saw Hailey's terrified expression and her body was shaking violently. I started forward when Lloyd grabbed my arm, yanking me back beside him.

"I don't know what you're thinking, but I know it's going to be stupid. What do you plan to do with something that's ten times your size?"

I glared at him out of the corner of my eyes."I don't know yet, but if you think I'm just going to sit here and do nothing, then you're the one who's stupid. What are you doing with something like that anyway?" I said, trying to break his hold on my arm. I dug my fingernails into his hand, but he only tightened his grip on my arm, making me flinch.

"That's a new breed of snakes the Bounty God came up with. He wants to use them for defense or war, but hasn't exactly have the definite use for it yet. That's the Bounty King's job now, and that's why we all have one. It's a simple hybrid between a python and a boa. I put it way out here so nobody would come across it."

"Well obviously you didn't do a good enough job because Hailey stumbled across it! And now she's in trouble thanks to you!" I shouted as I yanked on my arm. "Now LET GO OF ME!"

Lloyd gave me a serious look. "Not a chance Blondie. You rush in there and you'll end up getting hurt too. You have nothing to fight the snake with anyway."

"That's my sister, if you haven't noticed!" I snapped. "I don't care if I have nothing. That's never stopped me before! Let go you bastard!"

"There's nothing you can do against something like that!" Lloyd shouted back. "Just wait a minute!"

"If I wait any longer, your stupid hybrid will kill Hailey!"

Lloyd yanked me back again, more forceful this time."I won't let that happen," he said calmly and I looked at him with fearful eyes. "I already have backup on the way. We have to deal with this situation carefully. We don't need injuries."

My eyes drifted back over to Hailey and the snake. My insides tightened when I saw the snake was inching closer to her, the massive head swaying back and forth while it's tongue snaked out. I focused on the snake for the first time and noted the size of it. The snake was about thirty-five feet long and seven inches thick, and I knew this creature was something I couldn't handle. I felt Lloyd's grip on my arm tighten, like he expected me to launch myself at the snake without a second thought. At least you're finally starting to catch on, I thought. I hated to admit Lloyd was right about rushing in, but he was, and I knew I needed some sort of plan. But there was no time; the snake was within striking distance of Hailey now, and Lloyd's backup was nowhere in sight. The snake would attack Hailey before they got here, and I wasn't about to let that happen. I stared at the ground as the wheels in my head began to turn. The knife on Lloyd's belt caught my eye as I began to look up. I stared at the knife as my confidence rose. There was a weapon I was capable of handling with ease. I looked up at Lloyd's face and saw a mixture of fear and determination as he watched the snake. I had a feeling Lloyd wanted to help, but my way of helping seemed a lot better than his. I glanced over at the snake. It was completely occupied by Hailey, meaning I had one shot to get to it's head. If I missed, I'd be snake food. I calmed my breathing down and then struck out with my foot, nailing Lloyd in the shin. He let go as he stumbled and I snatched his knife, taking off towards the snake. I paused as I picked my route to the snake. I heard Lloyd shout as I jumped onto the snake's neck.

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