Chapter Three

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I slowly made my way back to the cave as my thoughts swirled around in my head. Did the Bounty King truly plan to challenge me? I mean, he was better fit for the task than Charles was. All it meant for me was another idiot to deal with. As long as I kept him away from Hailey, then the rest would be easy. To make it easier, we would probably move locations again. I know Hailey would complain, but it was better than dealing with some hotheaded idiot. I climbed my way into the cave only to be greeted by my sisters' sad face. I snorted at her expression.

"You went again without me! You said I could go with you this time," she whined. I put on my fake charade and smiled at her. I handed her the bundle and collapsed onto the floor, ignoring her whines as she ruffled through the bundle. I watched as she went through it and my thoughts returned to the marketplace. Whoever that Hunter was, he seemed extremely confident. My whole body stiffened when his image appeared in my head. I can't let one man get to me, although he seemed different from all the rest. A Bounty King, was it? Titles didn't actually mean anything to them right? I had never understood the ranks of the Hunters, nor did I care to find out.

"Your clothes aren't here." My attention drifted back to Hailey as I slowly rose into a sitting position and face her. She had already sorted all of the supplies I had gotten from Chelsea and she was giving me a dissatisfied look. I shrugged my shoulders, playing it off.

"Something came up and I had to leave without them. That's not a big deal."

"Didn't you say that last year?" Hailey asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Not those exact words." Hailey stared at me for a moment before narrowing her eyes slightly.

"You need to stop wearing the same clothes. They can get pretty smelly. I'm going to end up making you sleep outside if you don't wash that thing eventually."

"I'll remember that next time," I said, falling onto my back. I lay staring up at the ceiling before Hailey broke the silence again.

"Anything interesting happen today? You seem to have something on your mind."

"Nothing happened." Something smacked me hard in the face. I sat up again with an apple in my hand, and looked at a furious Hailey. I looked at her, confused.

"You're always hiding stuff from me!!" she whined. "I can tell something went on today. It's a sisters' intuition. Now tell me what happened today."

Sighing, I tossed the apple back to Hailey. "A new Hunter was in town. New ones come in every now and then. Like I said, nothing happened." I sat there expressionless, hoping Hailey would fall for my lie. Hailey studied me for a moment and then rolled her eyes, falling for it.

"If you say so. Tomorrow can we go to the spring? I haven't been there in a while and I'm getting tired of getting water from the plants nearby."

My expression immediately hardened. "You know it'll be the day after the Harvest. Use your brain, please. We aren't going to be stupid about this Hailey. The forest will be crawling with Hunters and it'll be dangerous. More than that, we may have to move to a new location again. Sorry but I'm not..." I stopped myself as I saw her expression. Those little puppy dog eyes she always pulled frustrates me to no end. I can't say no to them. But this was different. Wasn't the Hunter supposed to be out there waiting to start his so called 'game'? If so, it would be putting Hailey on the front lines. I couldn't get myself to do that. We continued the staring contest for a couple more seconds. "Would going to the spring make you happy?" I asked, my head hanging in defeat.

Hailey immediately smiled. "Of course! Fresh water is always better than nasty, murky plant water!" I looked to the side, silently cursing myself. I was too lenient with her at times.

"Then we can go. But you have to listen to me, no matter what. Stay in the cave till then, okay?" I stood up and Hailey quickly caught my hand.

"Where are you going? It's almost dark!" She wore an expression of worry, and I couldn't help but to snort at it.

"Don't worry. I won't be far." Hailey's eyes widened in understanding, and she released my hand.

"The stars again?"

"Yeah, I'll be back later." I jumped from the mouth of the cave and headed off to sort my thoughts out. This Hunter was really getting to me. Was I scared? I shook my head in disbelief. I wasn't scared of them and they knew it. It was the confidence he had that bothered me. I stopped at an old oak tree and started to climb its long trunk. I reached about halfway up then rested on one of the thick branches. The smell of the forest and the sounds of the animals nearby filled my senses. I closed my eyes, taking in the feeling of peace. This would never get old to me. Hailey would prefer to live in a house, but the outdoors suited me. I had spent too many years in a house filled with terror. I slowly open my eyes and look at the starry-night sky. The stars sparkled with brilliance, and I smiled when I spotted constellations. My stomach growled. I clutched my stomach, as if to try to stop the pain pounding in my stomach. I wasn't going to be eating today after all. I should be dead by now, I thought. I looked up at the stars again. A small smile came across my lips and tears welled in my eyes. You're keeping me alive aren't you? For Hailey. A tear rolled down my cheek and my throat began to close up. You would've done a much better job than me, you know. We wouldn't be living like this if you were here. I pull my knees up to my chest and continued to stare at the stars, wishing I could be in a whole different world.

I woke to find myself in the same position, stiff and sore. I was unaware I had fallen asleep. I should get back now. I slowly slid down the tree and headed back to the cave. Hailey was asleep when I got there, so I quietly slid in next to her, closing my eyes. I was almost asleep when her little voice echoed in the cave.

"Kasey, are you afraid of death?"

I chuckled a bit, the chuckle turning into a disbelieving snort. "A random question, don't you think? What makes you ask that all of a sudden?"

"I'm serious though. It's only natural for people to be scared. It means the end right? I was just thinking of people in the city lived in fear of it, since most people out here do. I was just curious if you were." I held my tongue when she brought up the city, and I ignored it to continue the conversation.

"Of all the things to ask me, you ask me about death? Seriously?" Hailey seemed offended by my comment. She huffed angrily.

"Hey I usually keep my other random questions to myself."

I look up at the ceiling of the cave for a moment. "I'm not afraid of death." My answer seemed to have intrigued Hailey.

"Really? How come?"

"Life really has nothing else to offer me to make me want to continue living. The end would only end the suffering I have endured. The only reason I want to be alive is because I have you to care for."

"What suffering?"

I cursed myself for being careless in my speech. I quickly recovered. "It's nothing Hailey. Figure of speech."

"Well, then I hope I live a really long time for your sake." It was quiet after her comment. I didn't have a response to it. Moments later I heard Hailey's breathing slow, and I knew she was asleep. I couldn't fall asleep, no matter how hard I tried. I didn't want another nightmare, but I was also puzzled of what Hailey said. Of all the thoughts to come to her head, death was one of them. For a moment I thought Hailey had picked up I was barely eating, which made her think of death, but I shook it off. I was good at hiding things from people, especially Hailey. The only one who could see through it was Chelsea. My thoughts returned back to the conversation. I wanted Hailey to have the happy life I never had, so why would she want me to stay alive, only to suffer more? I had to remind myself over and over again I had hidden everything from her, even lies to her. I kept her and my past hidden away under lock and key. She didn't know what all I had endured, or what I had protected her from. If she knew I had been lying to her all these years, my purpose for being here would be for nothing. No matter what, I had to continue being my cold-hearted self. I rolled over and closed my eyes. The truth is always painful, no matter how you put it.

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