Chapter Twenty-One

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Early the next morning I snuck into the room beside to play on the system again. I had forgotten how much I had enjoyed it but with Shawn gone, I never wanted to do any of the things that reminded me of him. Being with Lloyd, however, felt different and I couldn't quite explain it. It made me feel like I was back playing beside Shawn, without a care in the world.  After a solid hour of playing,  I headed downstairs and saw Helen and Teresa setting up the table for breakfast and I knew the boys must be out for the day. It was unusual they were out since it was Friday, so something must have come up all of a sudden. I greeted both Helen and Teresa, who smiled and greeted me back. I sat down and started eating, and Hailey joined me about twenty minutes later, finishing up whatever breakfast I didn't have on my plate. I smiled to myself as I saw her appetite growing, and I knew she was growing. The front door opened and harsh voices echoed down the halls. I leaned my head over and saw Lloyd and Luke talking, their faces twisted with anger as they walked into the living room. Lloyd looked completely exhausted and I couldn't help but wonder why. Was he up all night thinking about yesterday? I thought. I shook my head to clear it and then got back to eating the rest of my breakfast. I didn't need to be concerned with what was bothering Lloyd, no matter how badly I wanted to know. I glanced back up and Lloyd caught my gaze and his expression lightened a bit.

"Nice to see someone finally decided to get up," Lloyd said. I snorted at him.

"I've been up for a while, thank you very much," I playfully snapped back. I studied Lloyd's face, and noticed he was back to being angry. Something happened.

"Hey, Lloyd, are you—"

"Helen, I need you and Teresa to find something suitable for these two to wear for tomorrow night. I'll have the tailor come in so you can get their dresses after you measure them."

Helen nodded her head to him, bowing slightly. "It would be my pleasure sir."

"Hang on, what dress?" I asked, looking from Lloyd to Helen. "What's going on?"

"Luke, I'm going to need you to head over to the other mansion and select about twenty of the men to be here. Take Caleb on your way over there."

"I'll get it done," Luke said as he left. I narrowed my eyes as I tightened my hands into fists. I grabbed my butter-knife and slammed my hands on the table. 

"Lloyd, I swear if you don't answer me, I will throw this knife at your head," I threatened. I was tired of being ignored. Sighing, Lloyd looked over at me with a dangerous look in his eye that made me recoil a bit. I didn't do anything to make him mad.

"Your question?" he asked darkly.

"What's going on, and what are the dresses for?" I asked angrily, throwing his negative attitude right back at him. He had no reason to be mad at me.

Lloyd looked away. "The party tomorrow night." My eyes widened with disbelief. Lloyd was angry about a party? I couldn't help but notice he was being short with me so I looked away from him and crossed my arms. If he was going to act like that, suit himself. Hailey seemed ecstatic about the party as she and Teresa talked about it as they went up to her room. Even the other maids seemed excited as they eagerly bustled around with their assigned duties. I sat on the couch watching everyone running around, my arms crossed as I was still bitter about how Lloyd treated me when I had done nothing wrong.

"Come along, Miss Kasey. We need to go find you a suitable dress for tonight." I looked up at Helen, not even hearing her approach me. I smiled at her, got up and followed her up the stairs into my bedroom. Whatever mood Lloyd was in, I wasn't going to let it affect me. I sat down on my bed and watched Helen rummage through the closet, pulling out dress after dress, all about the same length but different styles. Helen laid them out on the bed and then pulled out a measuring tape as she walked over to me. 

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