Chapter Thirty

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My eyes fluttered open as I heard commotion going on downstairs. Hailey and I were both locked up in our rooms last night. Lloyd seemed really uptight about what had happened, but the worst part of it was the fact he couldn't even keep eye contact with me. I would hear him mutter something about 'not safe' and other things I couldn't quite catch. What was Lloyd doing that wasn't safe? Even after everything was cleaned up, Helen was the one who escorted me back to my room, not Lloyd. Lloyd had avoided me all night after he walked with Hailey back to her room. I closed my eyes again. I felt sorry for Hailey for walking in on the worst part. It was really hard to explain why there was so bunch of blood on the floor. The funny part was when she thought I murdered someone. Even I know I'm not that bad. The sound of footsteps sounded in the hallway, jolting me out of my thought. I heard my door being unlocked, so I got out of bed and stood up as a soldier opened the door. I paused as I looked at him. I believe this soldier was Scott, the one in charge of the other mansion.

"If you would please come with me, Miss." I didn't like his tone, and I tensed up. Something was off about him but I couldn't put my finger on it. I slowly walked over to him and tried to read his face, but he was expressionless so it made it impossible. I walked out to see the other soldier Jake had gotten Hailey out of her room as well. We walked down the hallway with them behind us and we were instructed to head downstairs. As soon as we reached the first floor, we were surrounded by soldiers. I slowly narrowed my eyes and looked from side to side. Hailey backed slowly into me, both of us knowing something was wrong. My body stiffened as we made our way outside. The soldiers parted and made two rows, creating a walkway for us. Hailey and I looked ahead, spotting a hovercraft up ahead. My stomach tightened up and something was nagging at the back of my head.

"Kasey, something is wrong." Hailey echoed my own thoughts. I turned halfway around and saw Lloyd, Luke and Caleb standing off to the side, their expressions filled with sadness. Caleb leaned against the wall and set his crutch to the side, then stared at the ground. My eyes widened as I realized what they were doing and anger raged within me. Lloyd caught my gaze and quickly snapped his fingers. The soldiers reacted and grabbed us, dragging us towards the craft. Hailey nailed a soldier in the crotch but to no avail as he was quickly replaced by another. Anger seared up in me and using the soldiers momentum against him, quickly ducked and threw him over my head. After doing so I was pinned to the ground by several soldiers. I looked up angrily, tears streaming down my face. Why send us away? What did we do? I glared angrily at Lloyd, who in turn, couldn't hold my gaze. Hailey screamed Luke's name and Luke forced himself looked away. I struggled against the grip of the soldiers. 

"Bastard!" I screamed at Lloyd as I continued to thrash around. Lloyd's eyes closed tightly. "I trusted you...You're sick and I trusted you!" I wanted to yell much more, but my throat closed up as the tears flowed from my eyes. Soldiers picked me up and carried me to the craft, where Hailey was already waiting. Hailey and I were put in the back, a cage confining us. Hailey again screamed Luke's name, but Luke turned his back to her. The pain swelling inside of my chest was agonizingly painful. It was clear that they couldn't stand the sight of this, so why were they going through with it? As the hovercraft pulled away, I thought I saw Lloyd wipe something from his eyes.

Hailey and I sat in the cage, knees tucked up to our chests. We were silent for neither of us could find a comforting word to say to one another. We heard the soldiers talking about taking us to Safe Haven City. I hated that place, but now I hated it even more. Why would Lloyd send us away? Brandon was no longer around so it didn't make sense to me. Tears started gathering in my eyes again and I wiped them away. This is why I hated people. There was no one on this earth I could trust.

"I think Lloyd is trying to keep us safe." I looked over at Hailey, who had tears streaming down her face. I huffed at her and looked away, hiding my own tears.

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