Chapter Thirteen

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Today marked the fifth month of our imprisonment in Lloyd's estate. Although I could hardly call it imprisonment since we were being treated like guests the majority of the time. The only time we were 'prisoners' is when we would break rules, or when Lloyd found humor in tying me up for Hailey's mess ups. I gave up on escaping after my first few attempts failed. It wasn't worth humoring Lloyd with them anymore; he saw them coming. Due to our stay here, our health improved daily and I no longer looked like skin and bones. However, the food courses were still outrageous and I was never able to finish. The farthest I've ever gotten was about halfway before collapsing into a food coma. Hailey, on the other hand, got the hang of it and was able to finish her plate. The life in the mansion was still something I was getting used to. Hailey had figured out the entire layout of the place before I figured out where the bathrooms were. Our main responsibility was to help out the maids, which I didn't mind. Watching Hailey react to everything inside made me realize how deprived of a home Hailey was. Lloyd, Luke and Caleb were out of the house during the week days during the day time, which was a relief for me. They had to attend to the daily activities of Lloyd's growing estate, like the bringing in of new captives and the distribution of captives Lloyd didn't need. The captives Lloyd had were made to do outside work and I was astonished Lloyd treated his prisoners with chivalry, not too harsh but mean enough to get his point across to them. I actually saw some of the boys looking up to him and I felt disgusted watching it. They had no idea who he actually was. I could hardly believe someone like him was a Bounty King. Lloyd became a bigger pain in the neck on the weekends, which irritated me to the point of throwing kitchen knives at him. My accuracy was getting better, but he seemed to enjoy himself, which irritated me more. Of course I'd get punished for throwing knives, and I'd either be tied up or locked up in a room. Mostly tied up, because Lloyd seemed to enjoy that much more than locking me up. He even got Hailey in on it, to where they created a game on how fast they could tie me up. Naturally I'd let Hailey tie me up just because, but I'd fight to the death with Lloyd and still lose. So I ended up just ignoring him.

Hailey was outside watering the flowers on the patio as I settled down on the couch. I had to admit my attitude towards the situation gradually changed, to the point Hailey started to notice. Unfortunately for Hailey, my 'happy' acting skills were superb, and I wouldn't let her in with how anxious I still got. My conversations with Lloyd progressed, enough to where I could hold a decent one with him before getting irritated. It was progress according to Hailey. Hailey came into the room and sat on the couch beside me, her eyes beaming.

"I wonder what kind of activity we'll do today. Luke said we might have a contest of some sort, which probably involves you in some way. I want to be the one that wins today!"

I gave her a daring look. "Don't even get me started on that, missy." Hailey smiled and started giggling. "They won't be back till later tonight anyway. Today is their inventory thing isn't it?"

"Well don't sound too happy they won't be here," Hailey said frowning.

"All it means is that I get another peaceful night. I won't have to worry about anyone trying to piss me off or tie me up."

Hailey rolled her eyes dramatically. "Yeah so you say. You seem to be getting along better with Lloyd, aren't you Kasey?" Hailey said leaning towards me, wiggling her eyebrows.

I gave her a look. "I have no choice but to get along with him, now do I? Talk about a miserable life if I continued to fight with him," I said matter-of-factly. "Don't let your imagination get the better of you."

"Uh huh, sure. I highly doubt that, sis." She smile at me and I rolled my eyes. "At least you're warming up to the place. You don't seem as stressed like you were out in the forest."

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