Chapter Two

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Everything is a bloody nightmare. Every time I close my eyes to sleep, all I'll ever see is the violent side of life. I have come to the conclusion that life is but a mere joke, laughing at people who suffer at the hand of it. However, it's no joke when you live in fear, driven into a hole with no light on either sides.  Life has handed me nothing, and in return, I have nothing to live for. Despite my outlook, I have one person I would happily give my life for, and that is my little sister, Hailey. Hailey is an optimistic person, always smiling and giving people the benefit of the doubt, which I myself cannot understand. Hailey and I are polar opposites, which didn't used to be the case. She barely remembers anything of the past life we had, and I am thankful for it. I want her to believe life can be happy, that life isn't something she has to fear. I don't want her to see how cruel life can actually be; I don't want her to end up broken and hallow inside like me. A long time ago, I swore Hailey's happiness was going to be the only thing I cared about, and I intend to keep it that way.

Today is the day of Harvest, which results in an early start for me. My sister and I live out in the forest like an animal, and this little occasion seems better than almost anything any human can imagine. Well, any human besides the Hunters. Getting free food, clothing and other supplies that gives one a better chance of surviving is what the Harvest is for. The Bounty God started the Harvest twelve years ago, because majority of the people who live in the forest would end up dead. In other words, it would be pointless for the Hunters if all of us just died. What would be the point if all of us weren't here for the entertainment of Hunters? Not many of us want to remain in Safe Haven City; there is corruption within the seams of the city. One would might as well as tie a rope from your neck and jump from the rafters if living in the city was your only option. The Harvest is provided so the Hunters can continue to have their pleasure in hunting us down. As for me, I have no intention of becoming a "prize".

Leaving Hailey asleep in our small, damp cave on the side of a cliff where a river used to be, I set off towards the smoke becoming visible on the horizon. I didn't dare bring Hailey to this event. I did one time, and I found myself violating one of the laws the Bounty God and put in place. At first I was worried I'd be hunted by the Bounty God himself because of the laws I had broken. After awhile, however, I decided to ignore the laws and maim the Hunters who came near me. This is why Hailey doesn't come with me. If I did get caught, my crimes against the Bounty God wouldn't reflect on her. Besides, I wanted her as far away from the Hunters as possible. Nothing good ever came from those heartless bastards. As I made my way through the woods, I noticed other adults and kids coming out of hiding, making their way to the edge of the woods. There aren't many girls out here, though my sister and I are the exception mostly because I'm stubborn when it comes to capturing me. The Hunters have given me the title of 'Untouchable'. What a ridiculous name to be known by. It's just downright embarrassing. It's not like I wanted that fame or reputation. I didn't ask to become a trophy. All I wanted was to protect my sister.

I came to a stop just on the edge of the forest, my head swiveling around. I wait until I see other kids walk into town, and then I follow at a distance. The smell of meat being roasted smacks me in the face, which causes my stomach to rumble. I have to tighten my hands into fists to fight the urge of hunger. Hailey eats first. Constantly I had to tell myself that, as if it helped the pain in my stomach. The noise level sky rocketed as I entered town. The marketplace was as busy as usual, with merchants talking to both the Hunters and the forest people. I looked up at the expensive buildings lining the streets and sure enough, they were filled to the brim with Hunters. Hunters ranging from the lowest ranks to the second and third ranks. One hardly ever saw the fourth and fifth ranks. They normally headed towards the deeper parts of the forest where more forest people dwelled. The Hunters paced along the balconies and watched as we got what we wanted and left. It is forbidden for Hunters to capture anyone during the Harvest, which is why I felt safe coming. It was a rule the Bounty God established a long time ago, and I was grateful for it. I didn't have to watch my back constantly. As I neared the stand I usually got my supplies from, I looked up at the creaking inn that stood right by it. Standing with his hands on the rail of the balcony was the Bounty Hunter Charles, a first rank Hunter. Charles hated my guts more than any one here because I constantly made him look like an idiot. He had been on my trail for four years now, longer than any other Hunter. He watched me as I neared the stand, and our eyes locked for a moment. As I glared at him, his eyes never changed from his calm expression. Charles didn't seem mad or agitated; he just calmly watched me, which sent off warning bells in my head. Charles was never calm on this day. I paused in the street, trying to figure out what was going on. I knew something wasn't right.

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