Chapter Six

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I watched from the shadow of the tree as the sun started to peak over the top of the forest as dawn finally arrived. I squinted my eyes as the brightness of the light landed on my face and I climbed down the tall pine tree I was in. I wanted to be close to the camp when the sun started to rise. Timing was everything at this moment, and I was a few paces from the camp. The diversion I had planned was set up earlier in the morning than I had originally wanted. But I couldn't sleep again, so to ensure Hailey and I made it out safely, I had everything ready hours before. I walked along the forest floor, strategically placing my feet so the branches wouldn't snap underneath whatever weight I had on me. The camp came into view and it surprised me to see how lively the camp already was. I huffed out of my nose as I climbed the tree nearest to the hovercraft Hailey was in, but not too close so I wouldn't be noticed. The shade from the trees casted a dark shadow over the camp, and it took awhile for my eyes to adjust. Once I was about halfway up, I stopped and looked down at the camp. Soldiers were carrying crates to and from crafts, packing up the camp to head back into the depths of the forest.The Bounty King was sitting right next to the cage watching it all, his face furrowed with concentration. He would be sitting right by the cage. What a bastard. I knew I still had minutes to spare, so I sat on the branch, bringing my knees up to my chest. I watched the bustling activity below, and my eyes widened as soldiers started pulling out their cuff guns, checking them to make sure they were loaded. I darted my eyes to the Bounty King, focusing in on his arm. Sure enough, he had a viper cord attached to his left arm and it was charged up too. I could hear the buzzing from here. All soldiers and Hunters had those. A viper cord was a painful electric cord that could whip and snap like a snake. It was mainly used to capture the runaways, or to torture their captives. So why did he get them out now? I had a feeling I knew. Judging by his reactions and actions now, I had pissed him off by not being captured the first time. Which meant he wanted to end it now.

I huffed as I got to my feet again, grabbing my smallest knife out of my sheath and balancing it in my hands. Slowly, I took aim at a tree clear across the clearing the men were staying in, praying for the sun to hurry and rise up over the trees. I sat there, posed to throw, as the sun rose high enough to where a single beam of sunlight hit my crystal rock, making it shine. Smiling devilishly, I sent my knife flying, hitting my target perfectly. A crashing sound rumbled through the camp, shaking the ground they were standing on. The vibrations from the impact shook the tree I was hiding in too, and I knew I had been successful. Everyone froze, even the Bounty King. I couldn't help but to look down and smirk at his confused expression. Take that you overconfident snitch. The men grabbed their guns and ran off in the direction of the noise, shouting orders back and forth. Unsheathing my other knife, I threw it at my next target the sunlight had just reached. Another crashing sound erupted from a different side, and this time, the Bounty King got up and went in the direction of the noise, taking a few of his men with him. After giving it some time for the soldiers to disperse, the camp was completely abandoned. Amateurs, I thought.

I jumped from the tree and landed heavily on the hovercraft, nearly falling off. I regained my balance before dropping to my knees to crawl to the front of the cage to see Hailey sprawled out on the floor, asleep. My expression fell and I smacked my forehead in annoyance. Why was she sleeping at a time like this? At least I knew she wasn't hurt.

"Hailey!" I whispered. No response. I cursed under my breath, taking out another knife. As I looked back up, my eyes landed on her freshly bandaged arm. I froze, looking at it in complete confusion. Did the Bounty King take care of her arm? I shook my head, not wanting to try and solve the mind of these bastards. I placed the blade against the bats and began sawing away. I would ask Hailey about the details later. Minutes after sawing, Hailey's eyes fluttered opened and widened as she saw me. Her expression lit up with joy. She pushed herself up to her knees, her eyes twinkling with admiration.

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