Chapter 12

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Andrea pov.

Friday night, I help Maddie get pack up to go see aunt, Emma  this weekend. That took about 1 hour and 40 minutes. Because, Maddie wanted to get ready to make Brownies at my aunt

I was go have the house to myself, but I do want to have my boyfriend here with me. ( we have sleep together but we haven't done nothing. Because of Maddie, my mom and his mom yes we have sleep in his bed ( many times ) before.) My phone ring, so I answer it without looking who it was.

It was Jessica, she asked " Can you please go to the mall with me? " I saw," Oh, hi yea I will come and get me." She hang up on me.

Justin Pov.

I didn't go to school today, because I was sick. I didn't talk to her as much as I usual do. Hell, I'm not use to it. I need to get better so I can see my girlfriend tomorrow at school or I could just you know let her skip with me. I wanna know if my mom is here. I yelled," Mom, come here" my mom is named, Jadi

I called, her but I went straight to voicemail. So, I text her: hi, how r u since I've not seen u or talk 2 u 2day.

Hours later, she text back hi sorry I didn't hear my phone go off, & I'm good how r u? I'm with Jessica @ the mall. I just woke up when I found my phone I know what you are thinking yes after I text her I threw my phone somewhere and went to sleep for a few hours.

I text back: oh, have fun. After that I called up Kelsea and it ring until she picked up. She answered crying. I said, " Hi, Kelsea tell me why your crying. " She cryed more then said," Can you please come o-ver? " I jumped out of bed and said, "yea, text me where you are at."

She was at the gym her dad own she was in the dark crying her eyes out. I walked in and yelled, " Kelsea, I'm here" she finally told me why she was crying. She told me " She caught her boyfriend, Jacob making out with Sara ( the slut) and he said that she force me to.

I wanna to kill Jacob for doing that to her. She is crying in my arms. I love her and her sister like my own sisters I will protect them no matter what happens.

Andrea Pov.

I am still walking around the mall with Jessica. I wanna tell Justin about my tattoo on my wrist but I think that I should wait  whole all that in for another day.

Jessica said, " Hi, tell me that you are not thinking about telling Justin about your tattoo. " something I think she can read my mind. I said, "Yes, I am I wanna tell him but he didn't come to school today. " Jessica said," Hand me your phone. " I gave it to her. Ask, myself why.  She said, " Locked pin?" I put in my pin and watch her walk off with my phone.


I know this long but I did it

Mad or nahhh.

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