The Perfect Date

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"Shannon? Shannon where are you? This isn't funny anymore." Everything was pitch black around me and the only thing giving of any kind of light was the small flashing green light attached to my vest.

The lights weren't suppose to shut off like that were they? I thought to myself. I walked around cautiously with my hands outstretched trying to find my way back out.

"Shannon where are you?" Silence. I continued walking. Suddenly there was a loud shot firing off followed by a bell calling the game to an end.

"I win," Shannon said victoriously as the lights came back on.

"I was terrified you jerk!" I punched him in the shoulder and tried to calm my heart rate before I went into cardiac arrest.

He brushed lose strands of hair from my face and smiled at me. "Come on. Let me make it up to you." He took my hand and guided me back to the maze exit. Once we were out Shannon walked over to the counter and thanked the owner of the laser tag ring for closing it down just for us.

As we left the rink he pulled me closer placing his arm around my waist. I leaned into him enjoying the his warmth, his scent, and his comfort.

I couldn't believe that this was happening to me, and that I was here with him the man of my dreams. We met at the airport under the silliest of circumstances. I had forgotten one of my bags by the seat, and he just so happen to be near by, saw the bag, and rushed it to me.

I was left speechless that Shannon Leto personally returned my belongings to me, and what little words I did say came out a jumbled mess, but it made him laugh, and I fell in love.

"What?" He asked pulling back to present day.

I shrugged in response. "Nothing."

"You're staring at me. Is there something on my face?" He raised one of his eyebrows and pursed his lips causing me to laugh.

"No, you gorgeous goofball." I squeezed his hand that was at my waist before letting go and walking ahead of him. "So how are you going to make up giving me a heart attack?" I asked turning around and walking backwards.

He gave me a devilish smile and shrugged.

"So we're just randomly walking?"

"Of course not. We're going in the right direction." He smiled and cocked his head to the side.

"What are you planning here mister?"

"I'm going to go inside and use the bathroom really quick. Can you wait here?" He said jabbing his finger toward the pet store.

"Sure?" I looked around watching traffic pass me by. It was getting dark and nerves started to set in. I heard the bell to the pet store ring and turned to see Shannon walking out with a German Shepherd puppy in his hands.

"You got a puppy!" I ran toward Shannon, and he instantly put the cute fuzz ball in my arms.

"No you got a puppy." He smiled patted the small dog behind the ear.


He must have seen the concern cross my face because he put a finger over my lips. "This little guy was in the window the other day and I thought about back on the plan how you said you always wanted a German Shepherd, and he's a rescue dog so I thought he needs a home, you want one of him, so why not?"

I held the puppy in one arm and with the other pulled Shannon into a kiss. It was soft, sweet, and compassionate. When we pulled away I wanted to tell him right then and there how much I loved him, but I didn't want to scare him off. Hopefully in the future I would have that opportunity.

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