Snowy Valentine

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I woke up early that morning not sure exactly was going on. There was a lot of rustling noise going on. I sat up and found Shannon at my dresser and my suitcase at his feet.

"What are you doing?" I asked rubbing my tired eyes. "And how did you get in?"

"I know where you keep your spare key," he said nonchalantly packing my suitcase.

"Why are you packing my things?"

He finally turned around and smiled at me. "You'll see." He moved to my closet and searched around grabbing my favorite dress.


"Get dressed," he said tossing it to me and pointing to my bathroom. I did what I was commanded and dressed myself putting on a little makeup.

I walked out into my room, the suit case was packed and sitting on my bed. Shannon was across the room looking at the framed photos of us.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his. "What are you up to?" I asked.

"You'll see," he repeated. "Well maybe not." He took a scarf from my dresser and tied it around my eyes. Then placed my headphones over my ears playing my music loudly and guided me out. I had no idea where I was going, and it scared me a little. But I trusted him not to let anything happen to me.

We drove in a car for a while before we got out. We were outside now, and I could feel the sunlight. Shannon helped me over two very high steps then sat me down in a hard seat and strapped me in. Where were we?

Sudden everything started vibrating around me, and there was no mistaking the sound of helicopter propellers even over my music.

Shannon gripped my hand tightly assuring me that everything was going to be okay. After an hour or so of flying it finally came to a landing.

It was freezing now as Shannon carried me, but finally we were inside somewhere nice and warm. Shannon paused my music and told me to stay where I was and don't move. I felt his presence withdraw, and the urge to take the blindfold off was all to tempting, but I didn't want him to get mad, so I waited.

Minutes later I felt hands take off my headphones and blindfold. The first thing I saw were the beautiful snowy mountains in the background and then Shannon on bended knee with a bouquet of flowers and a velvet box.

"Will you marry me?" He asked opening the box. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring.

I tackled him to the ground and kissed him. "I thought you'd never ask!" I was so happy! And it couldn't have been a better day for this to happen.

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