Valentine's Day Baby

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I hope you like this nina_jjleto I love you! ❤️

I rolled over in bed reaching out to grab Jared, only to discover he wasn't there. I sighed not wanting to get out of bed. It was a struggle enough just sitting up with my stomach the size of a beach ball. I looked over to the nightstand and saw a note.

"Breakfast is on the way."

I smiled. He was so sweet to me. I was on my last stretch with one week to go, and he decided to take the week off to look after me. I forced myself to sit up, and managed to do so just as he entered the room carry a tray of foods. Mini pancakes, variety of fruits, oatmeal, toast and milk. Yum! I was starving!

"Thank you baby," I said kissing his lips tenderly.

He smiled at me. "You're welcome beautiful." He sat beside me and fed me as we finished watching the movie that I fell asleep during last night. Then the door bell rang and Jared sprang up to get it. It took him a while, but when he returned he was carrying a life sized teddy bear bigger than he was and a large bouquet of flowers.

"Happy Valentine's Day baby," he said setting the teddy bear down on the floor and the flowers on the bedside table.

I pouted.

"What's wrong? I thought you would like it?"

"I do, but my gift is so crappy compared to yours!" Tears started falling down my face as I thought of what I got him. More like what I made because I was on bed arrest and wasn't suppose to leave my bed, but I did my best with what I had.

"Baby anything you give me will be something I'll love and cherish forever! It doesn't have to be big or flashy."

"Yes it does!" I crossed my arms over my stomach and looked over to the window. "I thought we agreed on nothing extravagant."

"This isn't extravagant. It's a teddy bear and flowers. As simple as it gets."

"No, it's a teddy bear the size of Shaq and a whole garden!"

"Baby are you really mad at me because I got you this?" Jared's voice was laced with sadness as he looked at the presents.

The truth was, I wasn't mad at him but myself. I could've done better.

His beautiful blue eyes looked me over and he took my hand in his. "Come on, what did you get me?" He smiled trying to lighten the mood.

I finally reached into the drawer of the table and pulled out an envelope. He smiled with curiosity as he took it from me and opened it. I wasn't sure if he was acting or genuinely excited about opening the gift.

"Coupons! 'You can only use one purple coupon a day, and all coupons can only be used once'," he read. "This sounds fun! Let's see what we have! Diaper pass for a day, laundry pass, free massage, naughty free wish 'no threesomes'. Aww why not?"

I gave him a threatening look, and he laughed. "I'm just kidding. Breakfast in bed, I'll cook dinner, 'quickie'? Can I use this one now?" He said tickling me. When he stopped he pulled me close and kissed me. "Thank you for these. I love them, and I love you. I would have been satisfied with just spending the day with you."

"I love you too. Can you help me to the bathroom?"

"Of course." He took my hands and helped me out of bed. I doubled over as a contraction went through me. "Are you okay?"

I took a few deep breaths and nodded. I took a few more steps and another contraction. This one was strong enough to make me cry out. "Baby are you sure you're okay?"

"I'll be-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as my water broke. Jared's eyes widened as he scooped me into his arms and ran for the car grabbing his keys along the way. He laid me gently in the back seat and began to drive to the hospital as fast as he could.

"It hurts!" I cried. The pain in my back and lower abdomen was unbearable.

"I know baby! I'm getting you there as fast as I can!" He said pulling the phone from his ear he must be calling his mother or Shannon.


"Breath baby, just like we practiced, okay?"

I began taking slow deep breaths, and the pain subsided a little, but still hurt like a bitch. We were finally at the hospital and Jared parked in front of the emergency entrance. He got me out of the car and carried me inside.

"Please! Someone help my wife is in labor!" Nurses rushed over and helped get me into a wheelchair, then we rushed to the maternity ward. They got me into a bed and began clipping things on me and removing my nightgown that I was still in and replacing it with theirs.

I screamed again as another large contraction surged through me. "Can we get her an epidural or something?" Jared said taking my hand.

"It's far too late for that! This baby is ready to come now!"

After that everything was just a blur until I heard a loud cry. I looked down at the nurses and saw a glimpse of my beautiful baby girl.

"Happy Valentine's Day baby," Jared said kissing my head.

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