제 19 장

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Warning; long chapter

Next day..

Jin's POV

'Ding Dong!' The doorbell rang as I run up to the door and open it wide with a smile plastered on my face, "Jinshi!" We give each other a hug then stood backwards inviting her in. "So where's the little kid I'm going to babysit?" She joked as Jinshi's name was shouted from the back. "Jinshi unnie!!!" Minjoo shouted all the way here while running. Jinshi smiled at her cute attitude, bend down and welcome her into her embrace.

"Hello Minjoo! Here's a little gift!" Jinshi fished out an instax camera to Minjoo, "A camera!" She jumped happily as I bent down, tying my shoe lace since I'm going to have dance training in another hour. 'Ka-cha', the sound was heard clearly as I turn over and found Jinshi is taking a shot of me tying my shoes. "Oppa is so perfect in this picture!" Minjoo squealed after the picture of me appeared on the polaroid.

"I'm always your perfect oppa!" I pinched her nose then stood up and face Jinshi, "Don't leave until I come back. I'll bring you to somewhere later." I smiled, Jinshi tilted her head and look at me with confusion but I ignore the confusion and left my house with a smile.

Jinshi's POV (finally everyone! Finally)

I watched how Jin left the house as the house gate closed automatically, "Unnie, what are we going to do today?" Minjoo, the little cute princess asked as I smiled, "Let's go shopping for groceries! We'll bake your oppa's favorite cookies!" I smiled. Minjoo jumped happily while cheering as she runs into her room and start dressing herself up. Meanwhile waiting for Minjoo, I start exploring his house since his parents weren't at home at this time.

I walked pass a room which the door was hung with a sign that was craved with the room owner's name. It was Jin's, I twisted the knob and found it wasn't lock so I got into the room myself. Clean and tidy as usual, he never change since we met. I walk to his table and found our photo was framed and hung on the wall. It was the wedding photo-shoot we took 4 years ago.

"Unnie?" Minjoo appeared at the door, she's wearing a pink dress just like a princess. She approached me and tipped toe to see what am I watching at. "Oh that photo! Oppa keeps on saying that he's lucky to have a beautiful bride." Minjoo smiled joyfully meanwhile my heart filled the bitterness. "There's still more but don't tell oppa that I showed you!" Minjoo hold my hand tightly as we proceed to the living room together.

She pushed me down on the sofa as she run to the TV set drawer and pulled out a familiar looking box. "This is oppa's treasure! Whenever he holds this, he cried but he never let anyone see what's inside." She placed the box on my lap then run into her room again. I stare at the box then finally opened it, I gasped when I saw what's inside.

More of our photos and the bracelet he gifted me few years ago. Those were the best memories but they're in the past now ㅡ A past that cannot be rewind. "Unnie?" A tissue appeared beside me, I look at MinJoo with a smile then received the tissue she offered. I rubbed away the tears and place the box back to the way it was, "Let's go or else we won't be able to finish on time!" I held MinJoo's hand as we left the house together to the nearest convenient store.

After shopping for the whole thing we need for the cookies, MinJoo and I had some little snacks there before we left. As soon as we reach home, Minjoo changed her clothes into a casual one, so do I. I wore a pink apron that belongs to Jin and MinJoo's in pink as well. "Your oppa still cannot resist pink color huh?" I chuckled. We start the measuring, mixing, shaping then place it into the oven.

"What do we do now?" Minjoo asked. I just smile and tossed out a packet of chocolate cookies, "Let's go watch some cartoons." She nod and pulled me over as she turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that is showing on Disney channel. We laughed and shouted together when the mickey mouse asked about what tools should we use for the stage until I get the smell of the baking cookies.

I turned off the over and pull out the tray, placing on the table and let it cool down. "Unnie! It smelled delicious!" Minjoo runs towards the cookies and stare at them like she wants to eat them all now. "Wait.. here you go!" I pass one of the cookies to her with a tissue paper so it wouldn't be too hot. "Butter cookies is always the best!" She danced.

I did the strawberry jam paste while waited for the cookies to be cool, as soon as it is, I start squeezing them on the biscuit then place another cookie on top so it looks like a sandwich. "Unnie! Oppa's back!" MinJoo half-shouted, I nod and did them quickly and of course, into a jar.

"Jinshi? What are you doing?" Jin approached looking at the equipment that was laying on the table. "See it yourself!" I place the jar of cookies right in front of him. He just gasped and start hugging me with his sweaty body. "Jin, go bath." I slapped his arm then he release, apologizing that he forgotten that he's still sweating.

Jin's POV

After bathing, I got out from my bathroom only with a towel hanging on my waist, I walk to my table and see the photo I had four years ago with Jinshi. What if.. we could go back to that time again? "Jin- am sorry." Jinshi covered her eyes, I chuckled at her attitude and quickly put on my shirt, "I'll be there in a minute." She nod then close the door back as it was.

After changing, I walk down the stairs and found the two girls are sitting in the living room watching cartoons, "Let's go!" I fish out my car key while the turn off the television and followed behind me. "Where are we going?" Jinshi asked. I just shrugged in purpose, "I don't know. You'll know it soon." I drive the whole journey with the radio on, we didn't talk as Minjoo was sitting at the backseat but she took a nap.

"So.. how's your schedule recently?" asked Jinshi, "I'm not quite sure since we just debut so schedule aren't so pack yet." I muttered. As soon as possible, we arrived at the destination. Jinshi got down first as she turn to look at me like why-didn't-you-tell-me. I smiled and wake my little Minjoo who's sleeping behind me, "Minjoo~ Minjoo we're here now~"

She opened her eyes half-awake then got down from the car, "Where are we oppa?" She yawned. I pull out the car key and proceed to the door of the house that belongs to Jinshi earlier but somehow she did a transition to me. "I actually clean the house every week so everything is still in their position." Jinshi walked to every place as I can see she's trying to hold back her tears but failed to. I take the key and walked towards her, "It's yours now. Welcome back home."

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