Chapter IX

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A/N: If you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms and if you like having secret little rendezvous...


Harry's POV

"D-Daughter?" I questioned once again, staring at her in pure disbelief.

She nods,"Yes, this is his almost eight months old daughter, Lindsey."

I gave her a nervous, yet fake smile,"Oh, ugh...well, she looks just like him." I hesitated,"Maybe I should go-"

"Harry!?" Luke yells, running towards the door.

I wanted to walk away, but it was too late,"What's all of this, Luke?" I asked.

"Harry, I can explain. It's not what it looks like!" He panics, moving past his ex-girlfriend to get to me.

I stepped back,"Explain what, Luke? It's pretty obvious that you have clearly been hiding something from not only me, but from all of us! I thought that we were friends?"

Luke tries to take my hand, but I snatched back, and shook my head,"No, don't touch me you, liar!"

"What am I lying about, Harry? There's nothing else to-"

"You told her that you were single. You know good and damn well that you're not single." I snapped.

He rubs the back of his neck nervously,"Yeah, I obviously know that..."

"Then, why did you lie, Luke?"

He shrugs,"I wanted a new start, Haz. You don't understand what I've been through this past year..."

"Well, that I can't fix. You'll just have to figure out a way to handle that yourself. I'm tired of being a third wheel." I said, starting to walk away.

Luke runs behind me,"Harry...wait."

"No, Luke. I'm done here." I announced, turning on heels, storming down the stairs, off to my car.

Will anything ever go my way?

• • • • •

Niall's POV

"Hey, Malik?" I walked into our flat, "Did Harry come home yet? His car is not outside." I asked, Zayn.

"No, he hasn't." He replied.

I checked my phone, but still no call from, Harry.

Where the hell is this boy?

I went over to the couch, and sat down next to, Zayn, who was currently eating a bag of crisps. I threw down my keys on the table, and sighed.

"Luke has been blowing up my phone, for the past hour or so, asking if Harry was home," I stopped,"And, of course. Clearly he's not, so where is he exactly?"

"I don't know, chap? Did you try looking for him?" Zayn asks.

"No." I responded.

Zayn frowned,"Well, after Liam had to convince him to give, Lucas, another chance, he decided to stop by his flat to give a second chance." He says in an aggregated tone.

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