Chapter XXI

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"You okay, baby?" Louis asks the green-eyed boy as he carefully helps him out of his expensive car, gently wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.

Harry frowns at Louis' sudden concern and struggles to walk on his own," even hurts to walk," His voice is soft and full of misery.

Louis grips onto his boyfriend's wrists. Hard. And, shoves him against his car door,"Maybe next time you should learn how to keep your fucking mouth closed, instead of questioning my personal statements." He spats.

Harry doesn't say anything to the man and just nods his head as he obeys his controlling partner.

"Good boy," They begin to walk towards the restaurant,"Now cover up that mark. We wouldn't want those idiots that you call friends, asking you anymore questions."

The restaurant they were attending tonight wasn't the fanciest, but it was definitely presentable. Louis, hated that Harry's friends were too cheap to reserve a nicer scene, but for now, the small pizza place shall do.

The couple, entered the building with both of their hands intertwined together with all eyes on them.

"Welcome to Pizza Palace. What can I do for you two this evening?" A blonde women asks, facing the two with a wide smile.

Louis nods, pointing over towards the three guys,"Um, we're here with booth eight." He tells her, before pulling himself and Harry over to the large booth.

The table consisted only Harry's two friends, Niall, and Liam. While, the other lad, Spencer, is Niall's current boyfriend that Louis couldn't stand. But, apparently for some reason, Harry seemed to love the guy. A lot.

"Harry, Louis! Finally see you two made it!" Liam greets them, scooting over to let them take a seat. Harry takes a seat next to Liam and let's Louis sit besides him, who remains on the outside, facing Spencer.

"Sorry 'bout that. We had some serious business to take care of," Louis announces proudly with a large grin on his face,"Right, Haz?"

Harry awkwardly shifts in his seat and tugs on the end of his sleeves,"Ugh, yeah...we did." He forces a smile on his face to cover up the secrets of him and his heartless boyfriend.

Niall, is the first to notice Harry's lack of words and the way he looks down, trying to avoid being asked questions. He's noticed that Harry has been distancing himself from everyone lately, and that's not healthy. Especially, for Harry. He feeds on company from his friends and hates being away from them.

Niall, waits to catch eye contact with Harry, while the other three decide to talk about some footie game from a few nights ago. That's when Niall interrupts.

"Speaking of football games," Niall turns towards, Harry,"Where were you yesterday? We saw Louis, of course, but not you, Harry. You always come to our games." The blond speaks.

"Oh, yeah. I completely forgot to tell you boys, but Harold was sick yesterday." Louis rubs Harry's arm while his other is rubbing his thigh.

"Really? You were sick? I didn't even know..." Liam frowns.

Spencer, gazes at Harry, realizing how pale and sickly he looks,"Well, I knew he was sick." Everyone head shoots to Niall's partner,"I mean, look at him! He looks like shit right now."

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