Chapter XXII

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"The most destructive war in all of history, its exact cost in human lives is unknown, but casualties in World War II may have totaled 50 million service personnel and civilians killed. Nations suffering the highest losses–"

"What are you watching, Zayn?" Liam asks, buttoning up the third button on his freshly ironed collared shirt.

Zayn stared at the television with his eyes full of tears, pouring down his stained cheeks. He didn't even hear Liam's recent question, seeming to interested in the flat screen.

"Zayn...?" The brown-eyed man, walks forward, taking only a few steps.

Zayn immediately hears Liam from behind him and eagerly wipes the wet tears from under his eyes,"Oh, Liam! I-I didn't see you there, lad..."

"What's the matter, babe?" Liam rushes around the couch, taking a seat next to his upset boyfriend.

The dark-haired man, gazes upon Liam's concern stare and shakes his head, refusing to let Liam comfort him. He didn't need comforting at the moment. He didn't deserve it.

"It's fine...I'm okay." Zayn fakes a smile.

Liam wasn't having it. He hated to see people upset, especially when it came to someone he loved.

"Why are you crying? Is something bothering you?" Liam's voice is low.

Zayn shrugs, shaking his head,"It's no big deal, Liam. It's nothing of my concern anyway."

"Zayn..." Liam frowns,"Please don't keep this away from me. We're not supposed to keep secrets from each other, remember?"

Liam hates secrets. He hates them so badly. That feeling guilty feeling you keep inside when you're lying to someone, or that terrible moment when you just need to get it out but can't, just because it could ruin things for the near future.

"I know...but–" Liam interrupts the older man's sentence.

"No but's, Z. Tell me what's wrong." He pouts, moving in closer, wrapping his arm around Zayn's neck.

The Bradford lad, instantly sighs out, mumbling a bit before answering.

"It's this film. I-It's so sad and depressing. It's so sad to know that something like this actually happened. It makes no sense. Why can't people just get along with each other?" He sobbed into Liam's arms.

Liam faces goes blank, seeing Zayn burst into sobs, and kisses the top of his head, watching Zayn cry in his arms.

"Ohh, I don't know, Zayn. But, what would the world be if there weren't bad people in it? That's just how the world is. There's the good and the bad, and everything else in between."

Zayn looks up with sudden anger in his eyes, watching the military aid, picking up dead bodies, piling each one on top of one another,"But, why couldn't the axis just realize that everyone had families at home? They all had friends and families that loved them!? There were so many lost lives lost in that war..."

"Maybe we should turn this off for a bit. It's going to take you a while until you calm down." Liam mumbles.

Zayn nuzzles into Liam's chest, imagining how devastated his family must have been after they learned that his plane was shot down during the war. The thought made Zayn shiver. Thinking about that made him feel guilty on so many levels, and he couldn't make that terrible feeling go away.

Liam kisses Zayn's cheek gently,"So, I spoke to Harry today. He agreed to come over and stay with you for a bit."

Zayn eyes lit up at the thought of his crush coming over. It meant that he could actually fix things up with the lad this time and make things right again.

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