Chapter XII

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Harry's POV

Luke walks me up to my flat and we stand right in front of the door, awkwardly exchanging nervous looks.

"I ugh...had a great time tonight, Haz." He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.

I respond back,"Me too." I take my keys out. He watches me begin to open the door, but the moment I do, Niall comes out wide open, making me stumble on my feet.

He nervously looks back and forth between us,"Oh, Luke...Harry! W-What are you doing back so soon!?" Niall asks with a shaky voice.

He's hiding something. I know it.

"Alright, Niall. What did you do?" I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

I bet he did something stupid.

As always.

Luke wraps his arm around my waist with his phone in his hand,"Listen Harry, Savannah wants me to come calm down Lindsey, so I'll speak to you tomorrow." He moves closer, giving me a quick kiss on my lips, surprising me.

Luke steps back,"Alright, then. See ya," He starts to ambles,"Bye, Niall."

Niall gives him a quick goodbye, then we step into our flat, and he quickly stops me,"Aww! You and Luke are so cute together!" He teases. I hate it when he does this.

I blushed a bit,"Stop it, Niall. It's just our first date. I mean, there's still plenty more where that came from."

"Ah, I know what you mean, mate. Did he try to make a move on ya?" Niall jokes.

"Um...he did actually." I hesitated.

Niall smiles,"That dirty, dirty, boy. I bet you liked it, didn't ya?"

I shrugged,"I really don't know if I actually liked it or not? When he touched me I had like some sort of hallucination. Like, I was reliving a moment." I explained.

Niall stayed silent, and ignored my explanation,"So, when are you guys going out again?"

"I don't know? Maybe next week? He didn't say." I announced. Niall turns around and walks into the kitchen.

That's when I get back on topic.

"Why did you ignore me, Niall. Is there something that I should know?"

"Of course not," He laughs nervously.

"What are you hiding, Neil?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes,"Seriously, Harry. You wanna play that game?" He groans.

"Yeah, I wanna. Tell-"

"Damn! Forget it already!" He yells, catching me off guard,"Zayn left!"

"He left?" I can't believe he left m-us. Zayn seemed like staying with us.

Despite the fact that he hates Niall. Which I can clearly understand.

"Where did he go? Why did he leave? Did you have something to do with him leaving?" I asked constantly.

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