Chapter XIV

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The bakery remained quiet. Too quiet. Harry felt a bit embarrassed about the situation at the moment, but at the same time he was extremely confused. Luke just created a scene in front of everyone in the shop and now he is holding Harry in his arms as if nothing wrong ever happened. Luke was in fact upset with Zayn, but no one knows what appeared between the two and the only other person that does know is Zayn himself. But unfortunately, Zayn wanted to be nowhere close to Luke. He suddenly disappeared further into the town, but Liam is having a bit of trouble trying to find him. The man was no where to be found. But, what they didn't know is that this was part of Zayn's plan. He didn't want to return to the two boys. He hated Luke and the best thing he thought for himself to do, was stay away from the psycho.

Now Zayn could clearly see the deranged issues hidden in Luke and he could see the fake attitude through him, but to the other three men, Luke's true personality was invisible. Niall and Liam believed that the Australian lad was the most perfect guy for their green-eyed friend, but in Zayn's mind, Luke isn't. But sadly, the Bradford boy is indeed correct.

Currently, at the bakery, the couple was the spotlight of the day and nobody could deny that. They definitely were, but in a bad way. least to Harry it was. Luke opinion was utterly opposite from his boyfriend's notion. Very opposite.

Besides, Harry lacked to realize that his 'Perfect' boyfriend was doing this on purpose and out of spite. He wanted every person that got in the way of him and his relationship with Harry to face the aftermath. He wanted nobody in his lane, but apparently this is exactly what Zayn did. That is what he had to face. He messed with the wrong one at the wrong time. Luke had an anger problem. A problem he can't control.

Luke finally, after a few seconds of awkwardness, he released Harry from his grip and wiped the tears off of his cheeks, staring around the shop in disappointment.

"W-What did I do?" Luke mumbles.

Harry steps up, grabbing his arm,"I don't know? You tell me." He says.

Luke shook his head, moving away from his boyfriend. He took one last glance at his mess, then bolted out of the building. Harry wanted to chase after him, but what Harry knows best is that when someone is running from a secret...they can only hide for a little while. And, that there is no way out of it. You've already exposed yourself.

While Harry was busy wondering about his boyfriend's problem, Liam continued the search for, Zayn. The brown-eyed guy knew that he was close by, but he didn't know how close. You can only run but so fast in a short amount of time.

Liam ambled down the empty sidewalk, calling Zayn's name constantly,"Zayn!?" He turns around, walking behind the back of a few abandon buildings.

No answer.

So, Liam walked deeper through the back, leading into the corner. And, that's when he saw his Bradford friend, sitting on the curb, staring blankly ahead.

Liam sighs in relief, going over,"Zayn, thank god I found you!" Zayn stayed silent and Liam frowns at his injury,"He hit you pretty bad ..."

"Yep," Zayn starts off. He doesn't bother to look at Liam and becomes interested with the ground,"This is what happens when you get in someone's way..."

Liam raises his brow,"And, what is it exactly that you are getting of the way of? You've only known Luke for a couple of weeks now. What did you you do to make him-you know...hurt you?"

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